Registration and Records Office

The Office of Registration and Records provides course registration, records support, and service to students, alumni, faculty and staff.

Where is Registration and Records on campus?

The Office of Registration and Records is located in the Welcome Center (Building WC on the main campus).

Contact Us:
Office of Registration and Records
Welcome Center
Henry Ford College
5101 Evergreen
Dearborn, MI 48128

Hours during Winter Semester:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Located in the Welcome Center (WC)

Provides transcripts and enrollment services.

How to Register for Classes

See the instructions for registering for classes. Payments must be made by the Payment Due Dates listed in the Enrollment Services Calendar. It is a student’s responsibility to submit their payment by the deadline.

If a student no longer desires to attend classes at HFC, they are responsible for dropping the course(s). It is important to note that there are times when students will not receive a refund after dropping a course(s). Please refer to the Important Dates for each semester.

Course Waitlist

Students can add themselves to a class waitlist to receive notification if a seat becomes available.

Class Load

Full-time student status is defined as 12 to 17 credit hours per semester. The average full-time student usually carries 15 credit hours. Students are limited to 18 credit hours, unless special permission is granted by the Executive Director of Enrollment Services/Registration or the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Students are expected to carry at least a grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 with a minimum of 12 credit hours already completed at HFC to petition to carry more than 18 credit hours.

Students in most academic courses are expected to spend the equivalent of two hours of preparation for each hour of class.

Students who are enrolled in parallel college programs should choose their college courses carefully, preferably in consultation with an Advisor. This will help in avoiding the loss of credits during the transfer process. Transfer equivalency sheets are available in the University Transfer, Advising and Career Counseling Center for most programs offered at Michigan colleges and universities.

Residency Regulations

Residency regulations outline the requirements for qualifying as a student living within the Dearborn Public Schools district for tuition purposes. Dearborn is the only K-12 school district in the state of Michigan to be affiliated with a community college. Residency must be validated each semester. Learn more about Residency Regulations.

Henry Ford College welcomes students living anywhere in the world. The only impact of living in the Dearborn Public Schools district is that residents pay in-district tuition.

Enrollment Verification

For information on required statements provided to insurance and financial institutions regarding enrollment status, hours earned, last semester of attendance, GPA, et al, see Enrollment Verification.

Advanced Placement (AP)

To receive Advanced Placement (AP) credits, you must submit an official copy of the AP test scores from the College Entrance Examination Board. See our AP score equivalencies. (Can be found under "Types of Dual Enrollment at HFC".)


College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

To receive College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits, you must submit an official copy of the CLEP test scores from the College Entrance Examination Board. See our list of CLEP equivalencies.


Course Audit

A student who wishes to attend a course regularly but does not wish to receive a grade or credit may audit the course. A record will be kept of the course audited.

Students must apply for an audit before the end of the second week of the class. Course audit applications cannot be processed until students have registered for the course. Change of status from audit to credit or from credit to audit is not permitted after the deadline. Students are assessed regular tuition for the course. A student will receive a mark of audit only if the audit status is specified on the final class.

Records Maintenance

Review records maintenance for more information on the following:

  • Address changes,
  • Name changes,
  • Grade changes,
  • Academic repeated courses, and
  • Academic forgiveness.

Graduation Application and Information

Students should monitor their progression toward degree or certificate completion by viewing My Progress in HFC Self-Service. See our graduation page for more information.

Applications for graduation are accepted for three graduation dates (May, August, and December). Final graduation evaluations take time to process. Please allow a minimum of 12 weeks after the last day of the semester for processing. Graduates who owe a balance will not receive a diploma packet until their balance is paid. Diploma packets will be mailed to the address on file. To update your address, please log into HFC Self-Service User Profile and e-mail when the update is complete.

The HFC Commencement ceremonies take place once a year, in May. December bachelor/associate graduates and May and August bachelor/associate applicants who apply by Feb. 15 are invited to the Commencement ceremonies. Students must graduate in the current academic year to be eligible to attend Commencement.

Advanced Standing / Credit for Prior College-Level Learning

This policy has been designed to address the needs of our non-traditional students who may have acquired prior college-level learning and/or skills outside the traditional classroom without having earned college credit(s). See our requirements for credit for prior college-level learning.

ACE Recommendations

HFC is pleased to offer credit(s) to our veterans based upon ACE Recommendations. Upon receipt of the AARTS or SMART documents containing ACE recommendations, HFC will evaluate and post the applicable credit(s).

Transfer to a Four-Year University

Get a great education while saving thousands of dollars, right here in your community. Starting at HFC and transferring to a 4-year college after earning your associate degree could save you up to $40,000 toward the completion of your bachelor's degree! Learn more about transferring.

Final Exam Schedule

See HFC's Final Exam Schedule for the current semester.

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Typical processing time is listed below; however, we work as quickly as possible to complete requests earlier.

Academic Forgiveness Request 10 business days from receipt
Authorization to Disclose Information 2 business days from receipt
Change of Program Request 3-5 business days from receipt
Duplicate Diploma Request 10 business days from receipt**
Form Completion Request 5 business days from receipt
Grade Changes 5 business days from receipt
Graduation Processing 8-12 weeks after the end of the semester
Letter Request 5 business days from receipt
Official Transfer Credit Evaluation and Posting 2-4 weeks from receipt
Tuition Appeals 2-4 weeks from receipt

**Longer if the student's records are archived