Register for Classes

Registering for upcoming semesters

Register for Classes

Any HFC student in good standing may register for classes. If you are not yet an HFC student, we invite you to apply today!

Search for Classes

Incoming students or current students: Browse our upcoming class schedule, no login required. Search by subject, class name, time and days offered, and more.

Search for classes

Plan and Register for Classes

Current students: Log in and see your personalized academic plan, schedule courses, register and waitlist for the next semester's classes.

Plan and Register for classes

Watch our how-to video!

How do I register for classes?

This is a quick summary. For more information, see Register for classes - detailed guide below.

  1. Login to the Student Portal
  2. Select Plan and Register for Classes in the Student Self Service menu
  3. Search for Courses (use My Progress for classes specific to your program) and add any desired course(s) to your plan
  4. You can check classes you've added to your schedule at Plan & Schedule
  5. Click "Register Now" to register for planned classes - planned classes will now appear green and will say "Registered" instead of "Planned"

View the Academic Calendar for add/drop and payment dates.

How do I waitlist for a class?

This is a quick summary. For more information, see Waitlist for a class (or "section") below.

  1. Add the section you want to your schedule
  2. Visit Plan & Schedule
  3. Select "Waitlist"
  4. When the option "Drop Waitlist" appears, you have been added to the waitlist for that course. If you wish to remove yourself from the waitlist, select "Drop Waitlist".

Need more help?

See the detailed, step-by-step guides below, or you can:

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  1. Begin on the home page of the HFC website at Select the "STUDENTS" link at the top of the page.
  2. Enter your Username and Password, then select "LOG IN".
  3. Scroll and select "Plan and Register for Classes" under the Student Self Service section.
  4. The current semester should display under the Schedule tab. Click the ">" (next) sign until you reach the semester you wish to register for. Select "+" (expand) if current semester does not display. After you have reached the desired term, select "Search for Courses" in the blue box.
  5. Type in the prefix of your desired course, or scroll down and select the "course subject".
  6. After you select your desired course, make sure the desired term is displayed under the Show All Terms section in the Filter Results column.
  7. Look in the gray box to find the course number. To view the sections of that course, select "View Available Sections" for [course name].
  8. Once you have found your desired section from the drop down menu, select "Add Section to Schedule"
  9. You will see a Section Details popup window. Select the "Add Section" button.
  10. A new message will show up, telling you the course has been added to your schedule plan (but you are not yet registered! Continue with the directions below).
  11. To add another course or to register, select "Back to Find a Class", (or use "Search" for courses box)
  12. Return to the "Plan & Schedule" tab
  13. You will now see the course(s) that you just planned. It is important to note that your course/s is/are only planned. The courses are not yet officially registered.
  14. After planning all your courses, you are ready to officially register. Select the blue "Register Now" button.
  15. Congratulations! You are now registered for classes. The yellow boxes will appear green, and the screen will say Registered instead of Planned. An automated e-mail from Registrar will be sent to confirm your registration. Review your schedule carefully to ensure the days and times are what you wanted.

Please view the academic calendar to check the add/drop dates and payment dates. Paying for classes on time is essential. If you do not pay for your classes by the payment dates, you will be de-registered, and you might not be able to sign up for the same classes again.

  1. If you would like to add yourself to a waitlisted course, you must click "Add Section to Schedule".
  2. Click on "Add Section".
  3. Notification box will appear. (Course is not registered, only planned).
  4. Select "Back to Plan & Schedule" to view all planned sections.
  5. To add yourself to waitlist, you must select "Waitlist".
  6. When Drop Waitlist appears, you have been added to the waitlist for that course. If you wish to remove yourself from the waitlist, select "Drop Waitlist".

If you need to drop a course, make a quick appointment with your academic advisor first. Your advisor can help make sure you stay on track with your program and your graduation or transfer plan. You will also want to have complete information about how dropping a course might affect financial aid eligibility, repayment obligations, etc.

  1. If you are sure you want to drop a class, and you've talked to your advisor, select the blue "Drop" box.
  2. A pop-up screen will ask you to confirm that you are dropping the class. Select "Update" if you wish to drop the class. If you do NOT wish to drop the class, select "Cancel," and you will remain enrolled in the class.
    IMPORTANT: Once you have dropped a class, you will not be able to re-register for that class again in the same semester if the add date has passed, or the start date has passed for remedial courses (under 100 level), or if the course becomes full.
  3. The course you dropped will then revert to Planned status, signifying that you have dropped the class successfully. You will receive an automated e-mail from the Registrar to confirm the dropped class.
    To remove courses from Planned status, select "Remove Planned Courses".
  4. If you do not plan to complete a class, make sure you officially drop the class before the withdrawal "W" deadline! If you stop doing the coursework and do not officially drop the class, one of two undesirable things will happen: either you will fail the class and receive an F on your transcript, or, if you drop the class late, you will have a "W" for "withdraw" on your transcript. Both outcomes are easily preventable. If you cannot successfully complete a class, be sure to drop it before the W deadline.