Residency Regulations
For tuition purposes, a resident student is one who has a permanent address in the Dearborn Public School District for at least three months immediately preceding the first day of classes, with the following exceptions:
- The legal residence of an unmarried minor is that of the parent or legal guardian regardless of where the student may be living.
- An out-of-state/international student is one who does not meet the definition of residency.
The College will not retroactively grant residency nor will tuition adjustments be permitted for previously attended semesters.
Residency must be validated each semester.
Students may be asked for two items of documentation to prove residency before completing each enrollment and may be asked for further documentation at any time while in attendance. Students should see an enrollment associate at the Welcome Center to drop off residency documentation.
Acceptable items of documentation are the following:
- Valid MI driver’s license or MI ID card
And one of the following documents:
- Current Automobile Registration (with street address)
- Current Auto Insurance Certification (with street address)
- Current Voter’s Registration (front and back)
- Previous Year's Paid Tax Receipt (with name and address)
If a student has been mistakenly enrolled as a resident, the student will be required to pay all tuition that should have been computed according to non-resident status. Any student fraudulently enrolling as a resident is also subject to any of the following:
- A late payment penalty
- Suspension from classes
- Permanent dismissal