HFC alumnus who “paid it forward” earns Excellence and Great Achievement Award
Pharmacist Adel Makki receives award from Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities.
HFC condemns “punish a Muslim day” and affirms campus safety measures
Henry Ford College stands against all forms of violence and reaffirms our commitment to community, connections, and standing together.
HFC is the first community college in Michigan named Veteran-Friendly Employer
HFC's commitment to our veterans is a strong point of pride for us, and provides advantages to you.
HFC Board of Trustees announces that Russell A. Kavalhuna has been selected as College President
Mr. Russell A. Kavalhuna, J.D., A.T.P., has been selected by the HFC Board of Trustees to be Henry Ford College's 6th president.
Women's Recognition Award winners honored
Women's recognition award winners, L-R: Peggy Strachan, Becky Chadwick, Jacqueline Lawson, Roxanne McDonald
WHFR Radio Station wins 3 MAB Awards
HFC students Jonathan Weigel, Josh Abeare, Seann Lewis, and Phil Maciolek proudly display the awards they earned at the 2018 Great Lakes Media Conference in Lansing.