HFC returns to 5-day schedule Aug. 13; State of the College is Aug. 21
For all departments and groups that have been on a four-day, 10-hour/day summer work schedule: The College will return to a 5-day, 8-hour/day schedule beginning the week of Aug. 13.
The State of the College meeting for Fall 2018 will be Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 8:30 a.m. in the Forfa Auditorium at the ASCC. All College staff and faculty are encouraged to attend. Coffee and refreshments will be available beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Also, please check the HFC Academic Calendar for other upcoming important dates pertaining to the College.
The first day of the Fall 2018 semester is Thursday, Aug. 23: hfcc.edu/events/academic.