Michigan Reconnect

Are you 25 or older? You now have a more affordable path to a college degree than ever.

And that path leads to great career options. Check out MI-Reconnect at HFC today!

Michigan Reconnect is a program for Michigan citizens over age 25 who do not have a college degree.

Reconnect provides in-district tuition at no cost to you. Other costs will apply toward this high-value degree that will set your path to a great career and a great future.

Why should you Reconnect?

Watch this very cool 5-minute story from Sarah Sparks (and her family) about how she changed her career and her life, at age 35, through the Michigan Reconnect program and Henry Ford College.

How to get started with Michigan Reconnect

Your first step in enrolling is to determine your eligibility through the State of Michigan. You can apply to HFC at the same time. We also provide an inquiry form if you are seeking more information about the program.

1. Apply to determine your eligibility (State of Michigan)
2. New students: Apply to HFC and complete enrollment steps
3. Fill out FAFSA
4. Register for classes at HFC


Request more information

Call Henry Ford College at 313-845-9600, or email one of our HFC MI-Reconnect team members:
Advisor Beth Michel
Advisor Chari Milai
Counselor Deb Glazer

Henry Ford College is proud to support the MI-Reconnect program, and to join the State of Michigan and other public and private partners to help Michiganders reach their career and life goals.

Is this program cost-free?

The Reconnect scholarship covers tuition and mandatory fees for all students at the in-district rate. Books and course fees are not included. Out-of-district students will need to pay the difference between in-district and out-of-district tuition and fees -- and Reconnect provides a substantial discount for you. Financial aid may also be available to assist with out-of-district costs. Find your costs in the “What will this program cost?” section below.

What is MI-Reconnect?

MI-Reconnect is a program funded by the State of Michigan, to allow adults over age 25 to earn a college degree or credential that will lead to a good-paying job and career path in industries that Michigan needs.

Everyone eligible for the program will receive a tuition-free path to a degree. Other costs will apply.

Henry Ford College will personally support you through this program.

Questions? Call us at 313-845-9600 or email:

Beth Michel
Email: bamichel@hfcc.edu

Apply to determine your eligibility (State of Michigan)

The State of Michigan MI-Reconnect website with all the state-level details is here.

Who is eligible for MI-Reconnect?

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be at least 25 years old when you apply
  • Have lived in Michigan for a year or more
  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (such as GED)
  • Have not yet completed a college degree (including associate or bachelor’s)

If you do not have a high school diploma or equivalent, visit Michigan.gov/LearnMoreEarnMore to get started.

MI-Reconnect is part of Governor Whitmer's 60 by 30 initiative, which will increase the number of Michigan citizens with a post-secondary credential to 60% by 2030 to meet the demand for skilled workers.

Apply to determine your eligibility (State of Michigan)

If you are not sure about your eligibility, please contact us, and we will help you.

How do I enroll in MI-Reconnect at Henry Ford College?

To be considered for this program, you must first apply to determine your eligibility with the State of Michigan, then complete the steps below. This program is ongoing. You may enroll at any time.

You will need to take the following steps as you are preparing to enroll in this program:

  1. Apply to determine your eligibility (State of Michigan website).

  2. If you have not already applied, Apply to HFC and complete the steps to enroll.

  3. Fill our your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

  4. Register for classes!

If you need more information before completing all the steps, we recommend that you Fill out our inquiry form and we will reach out to you with further information.

As you are preparing to enroll in this program at Henry Ford College, we recommend that you talk to one of our Michigan Reconnect staff members. They are listed in the “Who can I talk to” section of this website.

What will this program cost?

As long as you meet the MI-Reconnect requirements and timelines, your (in-district) tuition and mandatory fees at Henry Ford College will be paid by the State of Michigan.

However, there will be some costs to you as a student.

Use our MI-Reconnect calculator to find your costs

The State of Michigan has determined that the following costs will NOT be covered by MI-Reconnect funds:

  1. Out-of-district tuition differential (the difference between in-district and out-of-district tuition, which is currently $75.50 per credit hour).

  2. Books and course materials (including inclusive access book charges at time of registration).

  3. Course fees.

  4. Excess contact-hour fees (In-district fees are covered, so this applies only to students who will pay the out-of-district rate differential. Excess contact hours apply to some but not all classes. They are the amount of in-class hours that exceed the credit hours of the course).

  5. Any technology needs you may have in taking your courses, including such items as computer and internet fees.

HFC has Enrollment services staff who will work to help you find options to cover your costs for this program. Keep in mind, while it is not cost-free, the program will provide needed funding that you would not otherwise have. Contact our Financial Aid office or email finaid@hfcc.edu.

Our goal is to help make sure that financial barriers do not keep you from completing your educational goals and advancing your career.

All MI-Reconnect students must complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and submit all documents required by the Financial Aid Office. The FAFSA can be completed online at studentaid.gov.

More information about MI-Reconnect costs is on the State of Michigan MI-Reconnect website.

Who can I talk to about this program and how to succeed in it?

Your Advisors can help you determine your best academic or workforce program, advise you on enrolling, and help you set up a course plan.

Contact an Advisor:

Beth Michel
Email: bamichel@hfcc.edu

Chari Milai
Email: crmilai@hfcc.edu

A counselor can help you with the personal, academic, and emotional aspects of enrolling in college, to make sure you are prepared to enroll and ready to succeed.

Contact a counselor:

Deborah Glazer
Email: dglazer@hfcc.edu

What academic and workforce programs can I sign up for?

Michigan Reconnect students may enroll in any of the 150 academic and workforce programs we offer. We know that’s a large number of programs for you to consider. We recommend you talk to one of our Advisors about your interests and abilities, so we can guide you into high-demand fields that will lead to jobs in Michigan.


Beth Michel
Email: bamichel@hfcc.edu

Chari Milai
Email: crmilai@hfcc.edu

You may also browse all HFC programs to find the one that most interests you.

Our commitments to you

We know that one size does not fit all. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals in the fastest time that works for you.

How we will help you:

  1. We will work to understand your goals, and any barriers you face. We will work to help you overcome the barriers so you can achieve those goals.
  2. We will work to help you find an educational and career path that best matches your career and professional aspirations.
  3. We will provide an Advisor who will walk you through your course plan and make sure you are on track to graduate from your chosen program on time.
  4. We will help you create your course plan so that each class you take will apply toward your degree and will be applicable to your goals.
  5. We will help you navigate the admissions and enrollment process at HFC.
  6. We will assist you in navigating the financial, academic, and social aspects of your college experience.

Frequently-asked questions

The State of Michigan MI-Reconnect website has a section containing frequently-asked questions on the following topics:

  • Eligibility
  • Applying for the Scholarship
  • Applying for College
  • Funding and costs
  • Scholarship Renewal
  • Applying for the Scholarship

There is a lot of detail on the State of Michigan website, because it is intended for a very broad audience. If you have questions that have not been answered in the sections above, you may request specific information by speaking to one of our HFC Advisors or Counselors.

For business and industry partners who want to hire HFC graduates

Henry Ford College welcomes active partnerships from our business and industry partners who are seeking talented, qualified workers to help meet their current and future needs.

Regional employers will tell you that their partnerships with Henry Ford College and our students have led to hires of successful HFC graduates who help their businesses grow and profit.

Business and Industry contact: Vice President Reginald Best, arbest1@hfcc.edu

Arabic (عربى) and Spanish (Español) language information

Information about MI-Reconnect is available in عربى and Español

Arabic - عربى

Information PDF in عربى
Eligibility PDF in عربى

Spanish - Español

Información PDF en Español
Elegibilidad PDF en Español