STAR Speaker Program

Supporting partners in transforming students' lives by helping them to achieve academic & career readiness.

Choosing a field of study or career path can be overwhelming to high school students. HFC’s STAR Speaker program was designed to help junior and senior class students explore their options by providing greater insight into academic and career fields that incorporate their interests and skills.

At your request, HFC instructors, including those from today’s hottest career fields, are willing to visit your classrooms to share an overview of the field, occupational outlook, earning potential, as well as offer a look at the related HFC programs and learning environment.

STAR High School Visits

Student stands in front of HFC's Chef Eric Gackenbach in stainless steel kitchen

Chef Eric Gackenbach welcomes students on campus to learn about HFC’s Culinary Arts program.

HFC's Todd Browning stands at white board, facing classroom.

Todd Browning presents to Computer Science students at Advanced Technology Academy.

HFC's Marrci Conner stands at podium speaking

Marrci Conner discusses Information Assurance with Computer Science students at Advanced Technology Academy.

"Finding the HFC STAR Speaker Program to be helpful is an understatement. It provided our students with real insight, causing them to think, imagine and dream. It allowed them to gain a focus, get a real handle on their future and not just drift aimlessly without setting goals or making plans."

  • T. Cureton, Creative Learning Centers

"Star International Academy is grateful for the opportunity they had to have Henry Ford College representatives come in and present their knowledge and experiences about their wonderful careers. It was a great experience for our students. We will definitely look forward to working with Henry Ford College again…"

  • S. Hamade-Nemer, Star International Academy

"Thanks a ton for bringing a host of speakers to my classes. I’m glad our students got to see a variety of occupations and meet a few people working in different fields…"

  • E. Richardson, Advanced Technology Academy