Live streaming of Hawks competitions
Can't attend the game? You may watch live Hawks contests by following our live stream on YouTube. The live streams are free of charge.
Purchase your official Hawks Athletics gear
Parents, students, staff, and supporters can now purchase your official athletics gear to support Hawks! Choose from shirts, hoodies, jackets, and many more items. (Note: The link below will take you to BSN Sports' external website, which does not meet web accessibility standards. If you need assistance, contact BSN Sports. Henry Ford College is not responsible for purchases or interactions with BSN Sports.)
Recent News

Become a Hawk
Equity in athletics data: Data about athletic participation, staffing, revenue and expenses is available for all schools offering Title IV financial aid.

Sport Camps
HFC offers sport camps for youth between the ages of 6 to 18. Year-round camps are run by experienced professionals, including HFC varsity coaches, guest coaches, and student-athletes.
HFC Athletics Department
5101 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
313-845-9660 fax
Support HFC student athletes
Donations of any amount help support HFC student-athletes! Donations of $100 or more provide recognition in The Hawks Booster Club. The Hawks Booster Club represents friends, alumni and community members who promote and support Henry Ford College’s athletic program. The primary purpose of The Hawks Booster Club is to provide scholarship assistance to students participating on athletic teams and to lend general support to the athletic program.
Membership in the Hawks Booster Club is $100 and includes
- recognition in the Hawks Game Day programs,
- recognition on the Hawks Athletics website, and
- membership certificate.
Make a Gift
Donations can be paid via the HFC Foundation website or by mail with a check or money order payable to HFC Foundation to:
Rochelle M. Taylor
Department of Athletics
Henry Ford College
5101 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
Questions can be directed to Rochelle Taylor at 313-317-4138 or