College Store

The College Store serves your needs for textbooks, online course materials, class supplies, and HFC merchandise.

Please refer to the information below for specific College Store services, including ordering textbooks and returning rented textbooks.

Shop for textbooks and merchandise now:
College Store textbook and merchandise ordering website

Hours during Winter Semester:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Located in the College Store (C)

Rental Returns

Rental return dates will be posted on the College Store homepage under “Announcements”. There is a drop box by the Building A entrance (near the flagpole and circle drive). Only College Store rentals should be placed in the drop box. Early College and library books must be returned to their respective locations.

How do I order my textbooks?

It is best to use the Chrome internet browser to order your textbooks. The College Store website is optimized to work with Chrome.

  1. Go to the College Store website
  2. Select "Textbooks" in the main menu, then "Buy/Rent/Compare"
  3. Enter your semester and course information to find textbooks for your specific classes
  4. Click "Compare Prices on these Course Materials"
  5. Add textbooks or course materials that you want to purchase with the "Add to Cart" button
  6. Use the “Items in Cart” button to check your selections. Use the “Checkout” button to complete your purchase. Both buttons are in the upper right of the screen.
  7. Login or create an account to finish checking out

    Note: You will have the option of checking out with Financial Aid funds or paying with a credit/debit card. If you are using Financial Aid, make sure your account has sufficient funds before placing an order, or your order will be cancelled.

For screenshots and detailed instructions, view the College Store's PDF instructions.