MAT2® Michigan Advanced Technician Training Program

In partnership with the Michigan Talent Agency (TIA), Henry Ford College offers students the opportunity to earn a fully-funded associate degree in Mechatronics or Computer Numerical Control (CNC) through the Michigan Advanced Technician Training (MAT2) program.

Mechatronics is a combination of electronics and mechanical engineering.

Computer Numerical Control means automating machine shop tools (such as grinders, drills, lathes, milling and stamping machines, etc.) by pre-programming computers to tell the machines exactly how to manipulate the material (such as aluminum, brass, copper, steel, titanium, wood, foam, fiberglass, and plastics).

You can get started in mechatronics or Computer Numerical Control through our combined in-class and on-the-job program, and you can grow your career in many areas of computing, engineering, and manufacturing from this starting point. MAT2 is a way of getting paid to go to school and starting your career at the same time.

MAT2 is an industry-driven program in which sponsoring companies partner with HFC to cultivate talent and ensure a globally competitive workforce. Our sponsoring companies help train and employ MAT2 students as they pursue their HFC associate degree, providing the classroom instruction, practical training, and on-the-job experience needed to ensure highly-skilled, readily employable graduates.

MAT2 provides you with a direct, paid educational path to a satisfying career. The program also allows our sponsoring companies to ensure future qualified talent for the future.

Students and companies interested in MAT2 can find out more about the application process at Pure Michigan Talent Connect or by contacting Ledgra Johnson, MAT2 Project Manager, at 313-317-6616 or

What is the MAT2 experience?