Office of the President

President Russell A. “Russ” Kavalhuna is responsible for leadership, management, development, and coordination of all departments, divisions, and functions of the College, both internal and external. He is the foremost public representative of the College, speaks in an official capacity for the College, and is the face of the College to many public audiences.

In collaboration with other leaders, President Kavalhuna establishes and communicates the vision and strategic direction of the College. Some areas of responsibility include planning, budget, academics, communications, personnel, student services, facilities, fundraising, policy, reporting, and community and government relations.

The president works closely with seven Vice Presidents who take primary strategic and operational responsibility for major functional areas of the College. This group of senior leaders comprises the President’s Cabinet. The president also works closely with the Deans of the four HFC academic schools, the leaders of HFC’s five collective bargaining units, and other leaders on and off campus.

The President is appointed by, and reports to, the Henry Ford College Board of Trustees, whose seven members are elected by the citizens of Dearborn, and whose members also serve as the Dearborn School District’s Board of Education.

Portrait of Russ Kavalhuna

President Russell A. Kavalhuna, J.D.

Recent News

Jan 21
Henry Ford College seal on blue field

Board of Trustees meeting, January 21

The Board of Trustees will hold its regular meeting in the Rosenau Board Room.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (text) and an image of the MLK monument on the National Mall.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: President’s Video

President Kavalhuna talks about the meaning of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in our community and in his own life.
Jack O‘Reilly

Remembering Mayor Jack O’Reilly

Jack O’Reilly was a great leader who dedicated his life to civic service. We will miss him, and we honor his legacy.
Kwanzaa graphic

Kwanzaa: President’s Video

President Kavalhuna shares his reflections on the Kwanzaa holiday. A special presentation by HFC alumna Alanna Grace Marie Schwartz follows.

Contact President Kavalhuna

L-412 ASCC Building
5101 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128

Executive Assistant: Patti Flogaus