IRBI hosts “Future Driven with Data” workshop

Event Date
Welcome Center
Digital tablet and business graphs.

The HFC Office of Institutional Research and Business Intelligence (IRBI) invites you to attend the workshop called “Introducing Results from the National Community College Benchmark Project (NCCBP),” which will take place Thursday, March 20, from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. in the Community Rooms of the Welcome Center (Building WC on the main campus).

IRBI will present current results and emerging trends from the NCCBP, which is designed to help community colleges assess and improve their performance by providing a comprehensive, comparative data analysis. Through its collection of institutional data and benchmarking, the NCCBP enables community colleges to evaluate their practices in the following areas:

  • Student success
  • Retention
  • Graduation rates

By comparing these metrics with peer institutions, community colleges can identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and implement data-informed strategies to enhance institutional effectiveness and student outcomes. The project ultimately supports community colleges in making informed decisions for strategic planning and continuous improvement.

This workshop is free and open to anyone, especially those who are interested in learning more about IRBI services. IRBI encourages you to bring your laptops so you can learn how to access these reports for yourselves.

Please register today.

Light refreshments will be served. For questions or more information, contact Dr. Jason Young at 313-317-1504 or