TIAA retirement plan changes: group forums and 1:1 discussion available

This message is for all HFC employees participating in HFC-sponsored retirement plans.
HFC has embarked on a process to update all our retirement plans. We have engaged Miller Financial Services to lead this process. They have been hired as both fiduciary and investment advisor to our plans. We envision this process to be implemented in phases.
The first phase is updating our offerings within the TIAA plans. TIAA is by far our largest carrier, as it is the only carrier available for the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). If you are invested in one of our retirement plans through TIAA, the information below is for you.
Note: The other plans will remain in place with no changes at this time. We will be addressing other offerings in the next phase of this process.
In the near future, we will establish an Investment Committee with our collective bargaining partners and Miller Financial to oversee our plans. Our goal is to improve our plan offerings and provide improved transparency of fees to our participants.
For TIAA participants only:
If you are in the TIAA plans, we recommend you review the following documents:
• “HFC - TIAA update announcement and timeline,” an HFC document describing the upcoming changes.
• “HFC - TIAA Short Update,” a TIAA document that provides an overview of the changes.
• “HFC - TIAA Detailed Update,” a TIAA document that provides details of the changes.
We encourage you to consider attending one of the meetings described below.
You are invited: group meetings with Miller Financial, Sept. 24 and 25
Joe Miller of Miller Financial will host group meetings for any employee interested in learning more about the changes:
- Tuesday, Sept. 24, 10:00 and 2:00 p.m., Berry Auditorium, Bldg. L
- Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Berry Auditorium, Bldg. L
Register here to attend one of the group meetings
You are invited: individual meetings with Miller Financial, Sept. 24 and 25
Joe Miller of Miller Financial will also be available for individual meetings on the 24th and 25th. For an individual meeting, please bring your most recent statement of account.
Register here for an individual session
Zoom option for an individual meeting
To schedule a Zoom meeting anytime with Joe Miller of Miller Financial, call Diane at 269-781-5129 or email