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Summer Research Opportunities Symposium for students

Event Date
Honors Hub, K-103 in the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K).
4 photos of in a grid format of students doing different kinds of scientific research.

The HFC School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) will host the Summer Research Opportunities Symposium Friday, Jan. 27, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Honors Hub, Room K-103 on the first floor of the Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K) on the main campus.

You will hear from speakers sharing tips about how to create an effective application letter and how to revise your CV to be more research-focused. You will also hear success stories and get an overview of a day in the life of an undergraduate researcher.

Participating partners include:

“This symposium is a great opportunity to begin your research experience at HFC,” said HFC School of STEM Dean Janice Gilliland.

For questions or more information, contact 313-845-9622 or