Students build electric guitars for physics assignment called Project S

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James Haranczak is wearing a blue Henry Ford Hawks hoodie and Henry Ford hat, while holding the electric guitar he made.

For their midterm project in HFC physics and astronomy instructor Jesse Mason’s sound and light class, students constructed electric guitars in what Mason described as “Project S.”

“Hands-on projects reinforce physics concepts in a way that no lecture or lab can,” he said. “I am also a guitarist and did my thesis on the acoustics of the guitar, so I'm knowledgeable enough to help my students with all aspects of the project.”

Mason’s class covers the physical nature of sound and light waves, focusing on how they relate to music, art, theatre, and each other as well as how subjective perceptions of the ear and eye are related to objective properties of waves. This class is offered as a general education science course for students interested in the Fine Arts.

“Students were given wood, wire, magnets, screws, and a month to create a working electric guitar,” said Mason. “Currently, students are measuring the range and tonal spectrum of their guitars, using special software. Soon they will create 3-D virtual exhibits for displaying their results and explaining the physics of the electric guitar.”

Innovative teaching ideas

Mason, who won the YouTube Silver Creator Award earlier this year, is intent on using innovative ideas when teaching his classes. An example of this is leading his physics class on a Solar System Walk in October.

“Unusual experiences evoke emotions that serve as intellectual hooks on which concepts and skills can be hung,” he said. “To quote Maya Angelou, ‘I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’”

Related content: Jesse Mason plays his student’s homemade electric guitar