Revisions to leadership models in BEPD, HHS, SoLA, and STEM

Release Date
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This message comes to you from the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

W e want to make you aware of a few changes among our four schools, mostly relating to revisions in administrative leadership roles and reporting lines.

This information has been shared with the leadership of Local 1650, the Faculty Senate, the Academic Council, and the Cabinet.

Here are the changes:

1. The School of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development (BEPD) will be served by Dean Pat Chatman and two Associate Deans.

  • An Associate Dean for Industrial Technologies will provide academic leadership for programs in the Advanced Manufacturing, Automotive Technology, and Building Sciences departments as well as Trade and Apprenticeship Education (TAE).

  • A TAE Coordinator, reporting to the Associate Dean, will provide additional management and support for apprenticeship programming, students, and industry partners both in BEPD and career programs in the other schools at HFC.

  • The second Associate Dean will provide academic leadership for programs in the Business and Economics, Computer Technologies, and the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management departments.

  • Both Associate Deans will report directly to the Dean of BEPD, serving at the discretion of the Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

  • These new Associate Deans will be hired following a search process, the qualifications and timeline for which are forthcoming.

  • Full-time Faculty in the School of BEPD will report to their respective Associate Deans as in the past.

  • BEPD will also launch a search to reinstate a Director of Workforce and Professional Development. WFPD provides top-quality training courses, programming, and certification for careers in business and industry as well as opportunities for professional growth and personal enrichment. Reporting to the Dean of BEPD, the Director serves at the discretion of the Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

2. The School of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be served by Dean Cyndi Scheuer and two Directors, both reporting directly to the Dean of HHS and serve at the discretion of the Dean and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

  • Trina Moore currently serves and will continue in her duties as Director of Nursing.

  • A new Director of Education, Health and Human Services will be hired following a search process, the qualifications and timeline for which are forthcoming.

  • Director positions are not elected. Director positions are managerial in nature, focusing on the routine business, functions, and operations of the academic units that they serve.

  • Unlike Associate Deans, Directors do not directly supervise full-time Faculty; full-time Faculty do not report to Directors. Full-time Faculty in the School of HHS will now report directly to the Dean.

3. The School of Liberal Arts (SoLA) will retain its existing leadership structure, but Associate Dean Pam Stewart will now report to Dean Brad Romans.

4. The School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) will retain its existing leadership structure, but Associate Dean Gillian John will now report to Dean Janice Gilliland.

Please contact your Dean or the Academic Affairs Division Office if you have any questions about the revised structure for leadership in the HFC Schools.

HFC School leadership structure diagrams (implementation begins 2024):