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Please join us for the State of the College Jan. 4

Release Date
Event Date
ASCC - Forfa
Walt Cerulla and Russ Kavalhuna

Dear Colleagues,

This message is to invite you to a different kind of State of the College meeting on Wednesday, January 4.

This meeting will be more interactive than usual. It will rely on YOU to tell us the great things happening in your area, and the great people who make these things happen.

I made a brief video to tell you more about this and to give you an example.

Watch the video here, with special guest Walt Cerulla:

A few notes about this event:

A delicious breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 a.m. At 9:00, we will start the meeting as usual in Forfa by introducing some wonderful new teammates. And I will give you some updates about the College.

Then, during the breakfast in Forfa, there will be an open microphone for you to share great things happening in your area, or to share what we sometimes call shout-outs to your teammates.

These shout-outs are brief ways of saying thank you and recognizing your teammates. Please tell us what the person did, and what impact it made. I encourage you to come prepared to share these stories. One of my teammates will give you a token to share with the person you thanked. We especially want to hear stories about people who do not always receive public recognition for their contributions to our students and the College.

In order to invite all our teammates to attend, we will be closing our student-service offices until 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 4. I encourage everyone to join us for this Community Conversation. (If you do not wish to attend the State of the College, you may still work in your work space.)

Please sign up to attend the State of the College using this form (HFC login required) to help us plan food.

Come prepared to have great food, companionship, and conversation. Have a great holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you on January 4!

If you have questions, please contact Kathy Dimitriou,
