Pizza and a Play with President Kavalhuna

Event Date
ASCC (Bldg. L), and Fine Arts Center (Bldg. F)
Illustration of Leo the cat walking along a windowsill with the New York skyline in the background.
Illustration of Leo the cat walking along a windowsill with the New York skyline in the background.

HFC President Russ Kavalhuna invites you to a fun evening with HFC students, faculty, and staff on Wednesday, November 15, for pizza and the play Leo’s Big Day Out.

The festivities start at 6:30 p.m. with a free pizza dinner in the atrium of the ASCC (Building L on the main campus). The group will then take a short walk to see Leo’s Big Day Out at 7:30 p.m. in the Adray Auditorium on the first floor of the MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Building F). This event is free to all participants.

Leo’s Big Day Out makes its national onstage debut at HFC

This production will be the national onstage debut of Leo’s Big Day Out, a collaboration between HFC Theatre and HFC Music. This children’s musical is the creation of Aaron Coleman with music by Chuck Pelletier.

"We're really thankful for the community support we have received toward this production, especially from our friends at Dearborn's amazing Arab American National Museum," said HFC Director of Theatre Dr. John Michael Sefel.

Leo’s Big Day Out is the story of 9-year-old Leo Fawaz living with his immigrant aunt named Letty in New York City, and his desire to go out, explore, and make music in his new city, despite his aunt's fear of the unknown. The play is fun, relatable, features great songs, and even features a puppet cat! The dialogue is in English, Arabic, and Spanish. The play is fun and entertaining for all ages, including elementary school-aged children and the people who love them.

“The work of dozens of HFC students will be showcased in this play,” said Sefel. “Leo’s Big Day Out is a very family-friendly show. We strongly encourage HFC employees to bring their children!”

Please sign up only if you are able to attend both the dinner and the play

This is an internal event for HFC team members and their guests, so we want to plan food and theatre tickets carefully.

Sign up here to attend (requires HFC login)

After you fill out the form, we will contact you with more details.

Please fill out the form no later than Friday, November 10, if you would like to join President Kavalhuna and other members of the HFC community at this event! If we receive a large number of responses, we will close the form early. For questions or more information, contact