Pizza and a Play with President Kavalhuna
President Kavalhuna invites you to a fun evening with HFC students, faculty, and staff.
WHAT: Pizza dinner, followed by a fun play by the HFC Theatre department.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26, 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: ASCC Atrium, then Adray Auditorium
WHY: It will be so much fun, and it will support the HFC Theatre department
WHO: YOU, and other members of the HFC community!
COST: Free.
The evening starts with a free pizza dinner at the ASCC Atrium, followed by the HFC production of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)" in the Adray Auditorium. The event starts at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, with pizza, and then we will head over to Adray to see the play that starts at 7:30 p.m. There is no charge to attend.
NOTE: This performance is not "heavy duty" Shakespeare. It is a hilarious parody of Shakespeare. It's silly, funny, engaging, and an all-around mad-cap farce. No knowledge of Shakespeare is required to fully and uproariously enjoy this performance.
CONTENT NOTE: The play has some mildly bawdy repartee. Director John Sefel ranks it as "the lightest PG-13 ever."
The number of participants may need to be limited based on the level of interest. Signing up is not a guarantee that we will be able to accommodate everyone, so sign up early!
Please only sign up if you can commit to attending BOTH the dinner and the play.
Sign up here if you want to attend (HFC login required)
After you fill out the form, we will contact you with more details.
Please fill out the form no later than April 24 if you would like to join President Kavalhuna and other employees and students at this event! If we receive a large number of responses, we will close the form early.