New HFC Portal answers and help

Release Date
Image of new portal after login.

Basic trouble-shooting (if you are having trouble logging in or using the portal)

  1. Please start by clearing your browser cache and shutting down your browser. Then, re-open your browser and login again.

  2. August 1: There have been some performance issues (systems running slow) in the first few days following the launch of the new portal. ITS team members are doing everything they can to fix the situation. We appreciate your patience. The systems (such as,, and others) will be slowest when the largest number of people are using them. If you have schedule flexibility, you might find somewhat improved system performance between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for the next day or so.

  3. If you are experiencing other difficulties accessing or using the new portal, please contact the ITS HelpDesk

  4. After reading the information below on how to find things, if you still cannot find something you need within the portal, please open a Web Support Ticket

Where is [whatever I’m trying to find]?

With any new system, items you were used to finding in certain locations will be in different places.

Please start by looking around for a few minutes.

This is likely to be worthwhile. You can also find things using the search feature. You will find a lot of resources in the cards on the portal home page, and in the Discover More section.

A few specifics that have come up

  • If you are looking for employee email, it is the Outlook card, which is shown on your portal homepage by default. You may remove it if you wish. If you want to put it back on your portal homepage, look under "Discover More."

  • If you are looking for the Faculty Class Schedule and Class Rosters, these are on the Faculty Resources card in the portal, or you can find these in Self Service. We are looking into creating a new card with these links in the coming weeks.

  • If you are looking for forms and ticket systems, they are on the HFC Systems and Support card.

If you truly can't find something you need, please open a Web Support Ticket and we'll do our best to help.

Some content is in other places now.

The new portal does not "host" content. It is a container with organized links that point to content. For this reason, content that was in the former portal is now either in other locations (because it was duplicated in the previous portal), or it is in a new location -- in most cases, SharePoint.

Duplicated content

Content that was previously available on public webpages or other login locations, such as the HR website, the Campus Safety website, or Self-Service, is still in those locations. We did not include all the previous links from the old portal, because many were duplicated and are not needed in the new portal. We did try to include the most commonly-used links. This is a work in progress, so please bear with us, and communicate with us.

Relocated content

Content that was previously hosted within the portal that still needs to be part of a login-based site (such as some Finance-related forms, etc.) is being moved to locations within SharePoint. We ask for your patience as we move this content, and link to it from the new portal. In the near term, you can access former faculty and staff portal content at this link.

I am trying to help a student find something

We realize the portal is new to everyone. We will all need a minute to get used to how different it is.

It might take a while to find a balance in the portal between showing every card possible and making people search for everything.

As with locating links that you need for your work, please start by looking around for a few minutes. This is likely to be worthwhile. You can also find things using the search feature.

What are students specifically asking for?

If you are working directly with students and you cannot find what you are looking for, it will help us to have specifics about which resources they are requesting most often in the new portal. Our content plan is intended to serve the most users in the best way we can. We prioritized students first. While we cannot add every link someone might want, we can promote frequently-requested cards, and we can add links that are missing.

To report a frequently-requested resource you think should be in the portal, please open a Web Support Ticket and let us know how many requests you have had for that resources. Share any other relevant information too.

Locked cards are preventing me from customizing my portal

We have been getting feedback that users are not able to remove "locked cards" on their portal page and move things around to your satisfaction.

We hear you.

Our intent with the new portal is to allow for as much customization as possible, with a few guardrails for the early experience until people get used to the new portal. We locked the primary student-facing content so students would not get frustrated and tell us they can’t find their core content because they inadvertently removed it, or moved it where they can’t find it.

This guardrail, unfortunately, affects everyone who has been a student, or who may need to help a student find information. This makes your current experience less customizable than is ideal. We prioritized students first in developing the portal, so if you are flagged as "student," that's going to be a heavy presence in your portal at this point.

Please be a bit patient; we have a solution!

We don’t have the ability to select just “current students” for the portal cards. Nor can we lock cards for some, but not all, users. These are unfortunate system limitations that are affecting a lot of people right now.

Our solution is this:

Once the semester is well under way and our students (and employees!) have had a chance to interact successfully with the portal and take care of their semester-startup needs, we plan to unlock most of the cards (leaving perhaps the top card locked, based on user behaviors). At that point, your customization options will improve. You'll be able to remove, or relocate, cards you don't want at the top.

We are sorry for the inconvenience in the near term. We believe the guardrails will be helpful, especially to students. Our current timeline is to remove the guardrails (unlock most of the locked cards) by mid-September.