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LTU presents “Immersive Learning Experiences” on virtual reality, women in history, media studies

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Room J-113 of the Science Building (Bldg. J) on the main campus
Man wearing virtual reality headgear.

HFC and Lawrence Technological University will present “Immersive Learning Experiences” on the HFC campus in Room J-110 of the Science Building (Bldg. J on the main campus).

There will be three “Immersive Learning Experiences” from noon to 1:00 p.m.:

  • Friday, Feb. 24: Virtual Reality
  • Friday March 24: Women in History
  • Friday, April 21: Media Studies

Immersive education through research experience

Instead of relying on textbooks and classical experiments with known results, LTU focuses on experiences where students learn through scientific experiments. This style of teaching and immersive learning can lead to new discoveries.

“Take a sip from MiCUP”

These workshops are made possible, in part, by funding from the Michigan College/University Partnership (MiCUP). MiCUP is a program from the King-Chavez-Parks Initiative that Michigan's Department of Labor and Economic Growth established in 2000. It gives educationally underrepresented citizens an opportunity to complete college degrees, often in STEM fields, which then lead to good jobs.

The Immersive Learning Experiences event is free and open to all HFC students. For questions or more information, contact Scott Corp at