Learning Lab offers academic resources for students

The HFC Learning Lab – Room A-200 in the Learning Success Center (Building A on the main campus) – offers supplemental learning services and resources for students.
The Learning Lab not only includes access to computers and printers, it also offers computer-assisted learning programs, assistance with test preparation, assistance with writing term papers, and peer and faculty tutoring.
We encourage all students to use the Learning Lab’s resources
Each semester, the Learning Lab offers a variety of workshops and presentations. These presentations may be offered in-person, online, or in a hybrid format. The topic list changes each semester, but typically includes time management, test-taking strategies, note-taking strategies, textbook reading strategies, and so on. It also offers workshops if you are preparing to take the Nursing Admission Test and several math-specific workshops.
Here is the calendar for the Lab’s workshop offerings for the rest of the Fall 2023 semester.
You can also schedule individual sessions to discuss and receive assistance on improving your learning strategies. To request help, please use our Student Inquiry form (HFC login is required).
“We want to encourage all HFC students to attend the Learning Lab’s workshops. The content is substantial and helpful for students from all walks of life. Whether you are on the Dean’s List or you have struggled on your first assignment or exam, we offer positive, impactful information and strategies at the Learning Lab’s workshops,” said Learning Lab Faculty Director Chardin Claybourne.
New faculty members
This semester, the Learning Lab added two new faculty members to support these efforts: Tierra Merriwether and Hollie Tugwell. They are available to assist students with one-on-one study strategies. They will also provide general and targeted workshops for students.
“My desire is to help every student who comes in the Learning Lab achieve their short-term and long-term goals in higher education,” said Merriwether.
Merriwether is a telecommunication lab instructor at HFC. Prior to coming to HFC, she worked in the Academic Support Center at the Southfield and Royal Oak campuses of Oakland Community College. Merriwether earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in communications from Wayne State University.
Tugwell teaches biology and anatomy and physiology at HFC. She has taught biology at Wayne County Community College District, Oakland University, and Wayne State. Tugwell earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Marygrove College and her master’s degree in basic medical sciences from Wayne State.
“As a biology instructor, I think students should consider the Learning Lab as their ‘study hub’ for all things related to performing well in their classes,” said Tugwell. “They don't have to be struggling in their classes to receive the benefits of the free study resources and services available to them as an HFC student.”
Offering more specific, targeted help
The Learning Lab offers one-on-one help for students, which can be beneficial to any student.
“While the Learning Lab’s workshops are designed for general student audiences, we also encourage students to take advantage of individual appointments with our staff for more specific, targeted help,” said Claybourne. “In these one-on-one sessions, we can provide more time to each student. Through conversation, our staff can begin determining which strategies and approaches may be a best fit for an individual student’s success, based on the situational factors impacting their lives. We’ve found that the workshops can be a good entry point for a topic, and a follow-up one-on-one session can solidify and crystallize the information for students.”