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HFC’s Steve Glazer named Dearborn Art Educator of the Year

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Steve Glazer working with clay and teaching in the ceramics studio.

HFC Faculty Chair of Fine and Performing Arts Steve Glazer was glad he was sitting down when he received the call about being named the Dearborn Art Educator of the Year.

“I was blown away. This is totally unexpected,” said Glazer, of Dearborn. “I’m honored. I’m surprised. It’s nice to be recognized for my work.”

Glazer will receive this prestigious award at the 2023 Mayor’s Arts Awards on Tuesday, April 25, at 7:00 p.m. in Studio A of the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave. in Dearborn. The focus of the Arts Awards is to shine a spotlight on all those who contribute to the strength, versatility, and creative spirit of the greater Dearborn community.

“I was delighted that Steve was selected,” said Director of the Dearborn Community Fund EmmaJean B. Woodyard, an HFC alumna who received the Community Role Model Award in 2019. “This award is given to an art educator from the greater Dearborn community who has provided students with exemplary educational opportunities and shown the importance of the arts through example. Steve has done all this and more.”

40 years in higher education

An alumnus of Milford High School, Glazer began his education at Oakland University. He transferred to Eastern Michigan University, where he earned his BFA in art with a concentration in ceramics and art education. Glazer later earned his master’s degree in art from Central Michigan University. He eventually earned an MFA in fine arts and ceramics from Indiana State University, and he completed additional coursework in ceramics at Wayne State University.

Glazer began his teaching career at the P-12 level. After two years, he switched to the college level because it was a better fit for him. He has been teaching at the college level since 1983.

For two years, Glazer taught at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, a private Catholic liberal arts college in Terre Haute, IN. He went on to teach at North Dakota State University for two years.

Returning to Michigan, Glazer taught at HFC (then called Henry Ford Community College) as an adjunct instructor for one semester in early 1989 and at Schoolcraft College. In the fall of 1989, he became an art professor at Concord College in Athens, WV. After teaching at Concord for 15 years, he applied for teaching positions at Austin Community College in Texas and at HFC in 2004.

“The jobs were identical,” he said. “Both colleges were looking for someone to teach clay and 3-D design and to work with the school’s art gallery.”

The afternoon he returned home from his job interview in Texas, Glazer had a message on his answering machine from HFC, where he had already interviewed. After being invited back for a second interview, Glazer accepted the job. He’s been at HFC ever since, nearly 20 years.

Creating an inclusive space for artists to thrive

Under Glazer’s leadership, HFC’s art program has developed articulation agreements (agreements that specify transfer classes and processes) with EMU and Wayne State.

“I enjoyed working on those agreements and seeing HFC students go on to become successful at EMU and Wayne State,” said Glazer. “Setting up articulation agreements to help HFC students has become a passion of mine.”

Another of his passions is introducing students to the world of ceramics.

“I love seeing students almost living in my ceramics room. They’ll bring their friends to show them what they’re doing, and even their friends will get in on it,” he said. “Doing it that way has really opened a door to the Middle Eastern community here in Dearborn, demonstrating that we are very inclusive here at HFC.”

“Steve is driven to create a space at HFC for artists to thrive. He works tirelessly to bring art to the community and the community to HFC. From mentoring students to developing gallery shows that attract an audience in the greater community – whether they’re HFC students or well-known artists – being an art instructor is really Steve’s life work,” said HFC fine arts instructor Victoria Shepherd.

Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, Dr. Brad Romans is proud of Glazer’s achievement.

“Steve Glazer is an integral part of the academic and arts community in Dearborn and at HFC,” said Romans. “His expertise, experience, and attention to his students make Steve an invaluable resource for the College and for the community that supports it. He is more than deserving of the recognition afforded by the Art Educator of the Year Award.”