HFC welcomes Phillip Lutz, whose life and work experiences help students find their way

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Headshot of Phillip Lutz.

HFC Records Associate III Phillip Lutz (pronounced “Loots”) started his work in higher education unexpectedly.

“After graduating from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2019, it was hard to find a job,” said Lutz. “I was out of work for nearly a year.”

First day on the job was “the day the world shut down”

In early spring 2020, he was hired as a records specialist for Madonna University after working contract jobs and substitute teaching.

“Dina DuBuis, the registrar at Madonna, took a chance and hired me,” he said. “I started that job the day the world shut down on March 12, 2020. Talk about a baptism of fire! My first day was crazy because everyone had been told to come to campus and grab what they needed for an extended absence from the campus. I wasn't sure if I still had a job.”

Fortunately, he did.

“I learned the job over Teams and Zoom for the first few months before we were allowed to return to campus,” said Lutz. “I'm glad all this happened, because I really enjoy this work. I believe what I do makes a difference in the lives of the students we serve.”

“I feel I can make a big difference here at HFC”

After three years at Madonna, Lutz joined HFC in late May. He reports to HFC Assistant Registrar Beth Gierada. His duties include:

  • Transcript evaluation
  • Change of programs
  • Graduation applications and conferrals

“Coming in with experience from my time at Madonna, I was eager to hit the ground running at HFC. I feel I can make a big difference here,” he said. “I was attracted to HFC because it is a place I can grow professionally and help people who are like me -- non-traditional students. As someone who went back to school later in life, I think I have a good perspective and can relate to others.”

Return to academics sparks a passion for writing

Born in Farmington Hills, Lutz was raised in Redford. He has three children and lives in Livonia with Tracy, his wife of nine years, who is a teacher.

A graduate of Huron Valley Lutheran High School (now called Hope Christian Academy) in Westland, Lutz began his education at Eastern Michigan University. After completing a semester at EMU, he transferred to Schoolcraft College in Livonia. Upon completing several semesters at Schoolcraft, he left school and worked at Home Depot in a variety of positions for nearly 15 years before retiring. He had never lost his desire to earn a degree, and it was time to return to school.

“I left school because I had no idea what I wanted to major in or what the future outlook was at the time,” he said. “I was out of work for a year after my second and third back surgeries, looking for something different while attending classes and taking care of my sons as a stay-at-home dad. My job at Home Depot had run its course, and I wanted to go back to school.”

His wife encouraged him to finish his education. He earned his associate degree in liberal arts from Oakland Community College. After graduating from OCC, he transferred to UM-Dearborn and earned his bachelor's degree in journalism.

“At UM-Dearborn I found my passion for writing. Sports journalism is my true passion. I worked as the sports editor for a couple years at The Michigan Journal. I specialized in writing about Michigan football and the NFL. I was granted permission to sit in the press box of Michigan Stadium, aka the Big House in Ann Arbor for the 2018 football season. I also got a press pass to Spartan Stadium for the U-M/MSU football game that year. Those were some really good times,” he recalled fondly.

Understanding what needs to be done to support the students and faculty of HFC

Gierada is glad that Lutz is on her team.

“We have been fortunate that Phillip joined our department,” she said. “His experience at Madonna has helped him transition smoothly. He is quickly becoming an asset to the College. He is hard working, conscientious, loves higher education, and understands what needs to be done to support our students and faculty. He is also personable and ready to join the fun. He has told me many times that he is here to serve, and it's obvious that he believes it. I am grateful Phil chose to come work at HFC!”

Lutz has found working with Gierada and other teammates a good experience.

“Beth has been more than helpful and truly wants me to succeed at the College,” said Lutz. “The people who work in the Registrar's office have all been very helpful in giving me what I need to help our students. They all truly care about each other and our students.

“They take time out to help whenever needed. In my short time at HFC, I have been learning fast. The most challenging part of my job is learning things the HFC way. I say all the time, ‘I know how to do all this stuff, just not quite the way it’s done here.’ This is a challenge I will master!”