HFC Theatre Club is looking to expand its membership to theatre and non-theatre majors
Now in its second year, the HFC Theatre Club is looking to create a community where students from all walks of life can express themselves through the performing arts.
“You do not have to be a theatre major to join the Theatre Club; I cannot reiterate that enough,” said faculty advisor Dr. John Michael Sefel. “Science majors who have an interest in theatre are welcome to join. As a matter of fact, all HFC students are welcome to join! This includes dual-enrolled students, Henry Ford Early College students, and HFC students who are totally online. They are part of the HFC community as well. All and sundry are welcome to check out our club. We hope to see you at our next meeting.”
Meetings are held every Friday from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. during the Fall 2023 semester in the Adray Auditorium (Room F-100) or in Room F-161 (when the Auditorium is not available) on the first floor of the MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Building F) on the main campus.
President’s 3 goals
The club provides student support to the HFC Theatre program’s production season, hosts movie nights, various events, and other engaging activities. It creates a safe, supportive, and fun home away from home for students interested in theatre and the arts. Kourtney Collins is the president for the 2023-24 academic year. So far this year, there are more than 20 members.
“I’ve been able to closely watch the club go from a total of five members last year to nearly 30 at our most recent meeting,” said Collins, of Allen Park. “We’ve really begun to grow this year, and I’m excited about it!”
Collins has three goals during her presidency.
“One: I would like to aid as many students as possible in their journey to both finding and embracing themselves as they are, the way that past leaders in theatre clubs I’ve participated in did for me. Two: I would like to try and get one meeting with 50 members in attendance. Three: I would like to explore opportunities to see whether the club could start taking trips to check out live theatre," she said.
“It’ll continue to grow and prosper for other people long after I’ve graduated”
Event manager Brittany Battle is a returning officer and founding member.
“This club gives more awareness of theatre and entertainment. We’re here to have fun and it’s a great escape for us. It’s great for our mental health. It’s a place where we can be ourselves – and someone else!” said Battle, of Detroit.
Zuri Jamal is also a founding member. She and Battle appeared in last year’s 5 AM Pancakes. Jamal also appeared in last year’s The Passage, which was recognized by the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in Washington, D.C.
“I didn’t have a theatre club when I was in high school. When I came to HFC, I wanted to be part of it,” said Jamal, of Detroit. “In a year’s time, I’ve watched it grow. It’ll continue to grow and prosper for other people long after I’ve graduated.”
Seeing increase in attendance inspires hope
Collins, Battle, and Jamal have recently participated in HFC-24. All three directed short plays created and performed exclusively for this event.
“It was exciting,” said Battle. “It was a new opportunity for me do different jobs associated with theatre. It allowed me to be very versatile.”
“I was a student director last year, which led me to my passion for directing!” said Collins. “Seeing HFC Theatre go from very minimal participants to what it has become makes me extremely excited for not only this season, but seasons to come. I will always have a special place in my heart for this club.”
For questions or more information about the Theatre Club, contact Sefel at jsefel@hfcc.edu or Collins at klcollins2@hawkmail.hfcc.edu.