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HFC campus vigil to honor MSU victims Feb. 20

Release Date
Event Date
Courtyard outside Student and Culinary Arts Center (Bldg. M)
MSU Spartan helmet next to a lit vigil candle.

The HFC community will hold a campus vigil in honor of the victims of the February 13 shootings at Michigan State University -- see President Kavalhuna's message.

Time and location

  • Monday, Feb. 20, at 6:00 p.m.
  • In the courtyard between the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K) and the Student & Culinary Arts Center (Bldg. M) on the main campus
  • Hot chocolate and donuts will be available in the Student & Culinary Arts Center after the vigil concludes

About the vigil: everyone is invited; please dress warmly

The HFC community will gather to remember and honor the victims of the shootings. Please dress comfortably for the weather.

Program (tentative):

  • Opening Remarks: Kat Peter, Chair of HFC‘s Student Council
  • A Moment of Silence
  • Remarks: HFC President Russ Kavalhuna
  • Song
  • Remarks: Stephanie Blackburn, President of the National Society of Leadership and Success
  • Remarks: Zena Aljilehawi, Public Relations Secretary for the HFC Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
  • Remarks: Hadi Sowedian, President of the HFC Mathematics Club
  • The floor will be open for members of the HFC community who wish to speak (please keep your remarks brief, to provide opportunities for others)
  • Song
  • Closing Remarks: Kat Peter

Students and community members may bring flowers, cards, or small signs for a temporary memorial. Following the vigil, hot chocolate and donuts will be served for all guests in the Student Center.

This event is sponsored by Student Council and Student Activities.

For questions or more information about this vigil, contact Cassandra Fluker at

If you are struggling, we are here to help

For those who are struggling with the aftermath of this tragedy, help is available:

  • Our Counseling Services are here for all students as individuals or in group settings. Group counseling sessions will be available for all HFC students next Monday, Feb. 20 at 11:00 a.m. and Thursday, Feb. 23 at 1:00 p.m. in Building A, Room 117. These drop-in sessions are free to all students.

  • Our Employee Assistance Program is available at no charge for all employees through HR.

“The best thing we can do at a time like this is to rely on our strength as a diverse and caring learning community. It is important to stay connected and to share what you are feeling, and to listen to what others around you are feeling,” said Kavalhuna. “By listening and connecting, you can let others know that we stand together and support each other, especially during these difficult times. Please take this time to reach outward, and to take solace in the humanity and care that we all share.”

Background to this event

On Feb. 13, an armed man came to the MSU campus in East Lansing. He shot and killed three MSU students – Brian Fraser , Alexandria Verner, and Arielle Anderson – and wounded five more.

The MSU community, the state of Michigan, and the nation have been grieving these losses. There have been numerous tributes to the fallen and marches upon the state capital.

Crowd-funding websites have been set up to assist in paying for the shooting victims’ medical expenses.