Assisted Learning Services updates its Policies and Procedures manual

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The Assisted Learning Services (ALS) office now has an online Policies and Procedures manual. You can find this manual on our updated ALS website.

ALS policies and procedures will be reviewed regularly and updated to ensure we are maintaining compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Services Act, and any pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations. Updates will be reflected on the ALS website where the online Policy and Procedures Manual is located.

The manual is designed to clearly set forth the procedures and provide guidance to the College community of available ALS services and how to obtain and use those services. The current manual was written based on current practices and consultation with the Department of Education and various stakeholders within the College community.

We appreciate your commitment to upholding the values and standards of our College community. By familiarizing yourself with the ALS Policies and Procedures manual, you are playing an active and important role in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all.

Thanks for your ongoing support of the ALS office and please do hesitate to contact us at 313-845-9617 if you have any questions.