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Work hard. Thing big. Achieve. Apply for Jack Kent Cooke Transfer Scholarship!

Release Date
Crowd of students wearing red shirts; overlay says "Jack Kent Cooke Foundation"

Applications for the Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship, which is sponsored by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (JKCF), are open for HFC students until Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023 at midnight.

This scholarship is one of the most prestigious awards given to undergraduate transfer students nationally. Each award covers a significant share of your educational expenses as you transfer to earn a bachelor’s degree, including:

  • Tuition
  • Living expenses
  • Books
  • Fees and other expenses

In 2022, the JKCF selected its largest-ever cohort of 100 Cooke Transfer Scholars.

For assistance applying, reach out to Dr. Adam Hazlett , the HFC liaison for this scholarship process.

How will this scholarship change your life?

Hint: this 2.5-minute video will tell you all you need to know.


Earn up to $55,000 in scholarship money

Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships they may receive. This highly competitive scholarship includes:

  • Up to $55,000 per year to attend a 4-year accredited undergraduate educational institution
  • Ability to pursue any area of study
  • Personal advising about selecting a 4-year educational institution and navigating financial aid
  • Multifaceted advising about how to transition to a 4-year educational institution and maximize the student experience
  • Opportunity to apply for the Internship Stipend, Conference and Travel Stipend, and Graduate Scholarship

“HFC has a storied history with regards to winners of this honor,” said Henry Ford II Honors Program Director Dr. Adam R. Hazlett, the JCKF faculty liaison at HFC. “I encourage our students to apply today. It would be wonderful to have a Cooke Scholar from HFC in 2023.”

For questions or more information, contact