President’s video: supporting our diverse international community in difficult times

Russ Kavalhuna in front of Henry Ford College banner


A message from President Kavalhuna:

A s we head into Spring Break, I want to share a video message of support for all members of our diverse, international community. I know these are difficult times for many of us, and it is important that we support each other as much as possible.

I want you to know, you are in the right place, as an HFC student or employee! Our educational community teaches and values peace and respect for everyone. Our College also provides many kinds of support and help for all members of our community. Please take advantage of these resources! And if you are wondering how you can help others, there are many options to do that too.

Whatever your country of origin, the language you speak, your ethnicity, or all the diverse qualities that make you personally unique: we are glad you are here. And you are not alone.

I want every member of our community to feel welcomed, supported, and that you belong here. Let's help each other stay connected so we can all live fulfilling lives.

A restful and safe Spring Break to all of you!