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New COVID quarantine and isolation requirements

Release Date
Image of microscopic close-up of COVID-19

Dear Colleagues,

After discussion with the COVID Response Team and the collective bargaining unit leaders, we have decided to adopt the updated CDC guidelines for COVID-related quarantine and isolation. These guidelines are based on evidence about the spread of COVID and infection rates from those who have contracted or been exposed to COVID.

The new guidelines for quarantine and isolation are summarized in this graphic. Please note that existing HFC COVID safety requirements for indoor mask wearing and the on-campus daily screening form remain in full effect for everyone on our campuses.

For the purposes of the updated guidelines below, fully vaccinated or immunized is defined by Wayne County as two weeks after the final dose of your vaccine, or you have recovered from a confirmed case of COVID in the last 90 days. (Final dose includes the J&J first dose, Pfizer or Moderna second dose, or any of the three boosters).

Quarantine (no symptoms)

Quarantine applies if you may have been exposed to the virus and therefore need to stay away from others to reduce the risk of spread.

If you were exposed and have no symptoms and are fully vaccinated or immunized, you do not need to quarantine. You should monitor for the emergence of any symptoms and wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days from your initial exposure, whenever you are around other people.

If you were exposed and have no symptoms and are NOT fully vaccinated, you must quarantine through day 5 after your initial exposure. On day 6, you may return to classes or work if you meet ALL of the following conditions:

  1. You have not developed any symptoms and have not tested positive for COVID, AND
  2. Test negative for COVID on day 5, AND
  3. Continue to wear a well-fitting mask for the next five days whenever you are around other people.

If you develop symptoms, follow the isolation guidelines below.

Isolation (symptoms or positive test)

Isolation applies if you have tested positive for COVID or have symptoms and have not yet received a negative test result or other diagnosis. For isolation, day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the date of your positive test, whichever occurs first.

You may return to classes or work as early as Day 6, if you meet all of the following conditions.

  1. Fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications, AND
  2. Significant improvement in symptoms or are without symptoms, AND
  3. Continue to wear a well-fitting mask through day 10.

The CDC defines a well-fitting mask as:
a. It has two or more layers of breathable fabric – washable or disposable
b. It completely covers your nose and mouth, and comes under your chin.
c. It fits snugly against the sides of your face and does not have gaps.

Students and employees should continue to stay home past day 6 if you do not feel well.

These guidelines are represented in this PDF graphic, for quick reference.

Questions about these guidelines should be referred to Tiffany Webster in HR (employees) or Munira Kassim in Student Affairs (students). If you test positive for COVID or know you have been exposed, continue to report this information to Tiffany and Munira.