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January 16: Celebrating the life of John McDonald

Event Date
The Dearborn Inn, 20301 Oakwood Blvd. in Dearborn • also Zoom option
John McDonald

Family, friends, and colleagues of Local 1650 president/emeritus HFC faculty member John McDonald, who passed away Dec. 30, 2021, are invited to attend his memorial service to celebrate his life and accomplishments. The memorial service will be held Sunday, Jan. 16, at 1:00 p.m. Those wishing to attend can either do so in-person or virtually.

The in-person memorial service will be held in the Ballroom of The Dearborn Inn, located at 20301 Oakwood Blvd. in Dearborn. Those who attend are required to wear a mask and must either be vaccinated or have recently tested negative for COVID-19.

Option 1: Attend in person

Please RSVP by Saturday, Jan. 10 to attend the in-person event on Jan. 16. RSVP by contacting

Option 2: Attend via Zoom

Attend virtually on Zoom

  • Meeting ID: 898 9977 2419
  • Passcode: hking
  • One tap mobile: +19292056099,,89899772419#,,,,470401# US (New York) or +13017158592,,89899772419#,,,,470401# US (Washington DC)

Memorial Contributions

For those wishing to honor John McDonald for his more than 50 years promoting higher education, empowering faculty, reducing barriers to success for underserved students, and his love of the arts, HFC has created a new fund to support improvements to the Adray Auditorium, located in the MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Building F) on the main campus.

For questions or further information, contact