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COVID dashboard; COVID safety bookmarks; free at-home tests available

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HFC "for your safety" COVID graphic

COVID Dashboard online

Several colleagues have requested that HFC publish a COVID dashboard of cases reported to the College. Thanks to the work of Jacob Krogol, Brandi Jackson, Eric Wilson, Rachel Ford, Lori Dunford, and Micah Webner, that dashboard is now online as part of the HFC Safety First website. The data will be updated weekly.

HFC COVID Safety bookmarks

You have probably noticed the new signs all over campus urging people to follow the three-part safety protocol of required screening, required masking, and requested social distancing (“complete, cover, create”) while you are on campus.

Any HFC employee who would like to order copies of our new bookmark reminding students of these safety protocols is invited to order the bookmarks by using this form

Free at-home COVID tests available

The Federal government has announced it is now offering free at-home tests to be mailed to your home. Further details are on our Safety First website.

If you have questions about the HFC dashboard, bookmarks, or other COVID communications, contact