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Clery Act reminder: If you witness a crime, report it immediately

Release Date
A photo of HFC Campus Safety vehicle and Campus Safety building.

The HFC Office of Campus Safety is required by law to inform the HFC community about the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act).

Signed in 1990, the Clery Act requires all colleges and universities disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. The U.S. Department of Education requires that HFC:

  • Annually compile and publish crime statistics which include, without limitation, information regarding certain crimes that have been reported to “campus security authorities.”
  • Timely report to the campus community certain crimes that have been reported to “campus security authorities” and are considered by the College to represent a threat to students and employees.

You will see from the crime statistics link above that HFC enjoys a very safe environment, and crimes are rare. We do want everyone to be prepared and know what to do in the unlikely event that you witness a crime on or near campus.

Report crimes to Campus Safety

The campus community has been advised to report all crimes to Campus Safety department or to a designated Campus Security Authority. If you are designated as a “Campus Security Authority,” the Clery Act requires you to immediately report crimes if you witness them or they are reported to you. Such crimes must be reported to the College if they have taken place on a Henry Ford College campus, on the public property adjacent to a Henry Ford College campus, or at an off-campus location where College activities are taking place.

Crimes that must be reported include:

  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
  • Negligent manslaughter
  • Forcible or non-forcible sex offenses (i.e., rape, sodomy, fondling, sexual assault with an object, incest, statutory rape, etc.)
  • Aggravated assault
  • Domestic violence
  • Dating violence
  • Stalking
  • Arson
  • Liquor, drug or weapons law violations resulting in an arrest
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • All hate crimes involving larceny: theft, simple assault, intimidation, destruction/damage/vandalism of property

What to do if you witness a crime in progress on campus

Report the crime immediately to Campus Safety by calling 313-845-9630. If you call 911, the Dearborn Police Department will respond.

If the crime is not against a person (e.g. crimes such as vandalism, breaking and entering, etc.), do not intervene. Call Campus Safety immediately.

If the crime is against a person, such as an incident of threatening or harassment, you may intervene to assist the targeted person to leave the area. Make eye contact with the targeted person, talk directly to them, and invite them to walk away from the area with you. You may also attempt to distract the harasser, but we do not recommend you intervene in ways that could put you in physical danger. If an incident or attack is taking place, immediately call Campus Safety.

If you have a cell phone and wish to take video of an incident that is taking place, make sure you are able to do so without risking your own safety.

Do not attempt to investigate on your own

Please do not attempt to determine whether a crime took place or investigate a potential crime on your own. For the purposes of definition, a hate crime is any crime involving a victim who was targeted because of their actual or perceived race, gender, religion, nation origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or disability.

If you are in doubt as to whether a crime occurred or is reportable, please report the incident(s).

For questions or more information, contact Campus Safety at 313-845-9862 or 9911 (from a campus phone) or Campus Safety also has a 24/7 dispatch phone number: 313-845-9630.