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Check out the Eshleman Library’s new look and great resources

Release Date
Eshleman Library employees standing by stairs showing new carpet.

The HFC Eshleman Library (Bldg. A on the main campus) reopened in September after the building was closed for renovations.

The library has been recarpeted throughout the building, which was one of the goals HFC Director of the Library and Academic Support Services Dr. Kate Harger had in mind when she joined HFC in early 2019.

“The new carpet looks wonderful. It has substantially changed how the library looks and feels. The feedback has been very positive. Although recarpeting the library took longer than intended, it was definitely worth the wait,” said Harger.

HFC User Experience Librarian Tessa Betts is pleased with the changes too.

“I’m awed at how incredible the place looks now. When it reopened and I saw the new carpet for the first time, I thought, ‘Wow!’” said Betts. She added with a laugh, “There’s still that new carpet smell.”

Don't forget about our Library resources, which include

  • Quiet Reflection Room
  • Several group study rooms
  • Individual study rooms
  • Quiet Reading Room
  • Access to tens of thousands of books – hard copies and eBooks
  • Numerous resources for research assignments
  • Qualified, expert librarians to assist with your research, class, or scholarly needs

Research advice

The library offers many resources and services for students working on research projects. Once you have gathered of the information you need, librarians can assist you with any questions regarding APA or MLA citation. There are also numerous online resources for students.

Harger has some advice for students who are working on a research assignment:

  1. Start your research as early as possible, so you'll have time to find sources and get help if you run into any barriers
  2. Use the 10-minute rule: If you’ve been searching a library database for more than 10 minutes, and you're still not finding what you need, Ask a librarian for help. That's why we are here!

“We can help guide students through the entire research process – from formulating research questions to locating and evaluating sources,” said Harger. “We encourage all of our students to come to the library. We offer a quiet, friendly, and productive environment where students can get a lot of work done. We’re here to help them in any way we can.”

Hours of operation

Library hours for the remainder of the Fall 2022 semester are:

  • 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Monday through Thursday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – Friday
  • 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. – Saturday (online)
  • 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. – Sunday (online)

For questions or more information, contact 313-845-9606 or