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27th annual President’s Collage Concert is April 27

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Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave. in Dearborn
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The HFC Music department will present the 2022 President’s Collage Concert – called “Studio 2 Stage” – on Wednesday, April 27, at 7:00 p.m. at the Michael A. Guido Theater in the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, at 15801 Michigan Ave. in Dearborn.

The President’s Collage Concert is an annual tradition that began at HFC in 1996 with the support of Dr. Andrew A. Mazzara, then-president of HFC(C). The first President’s Collage Concert was held at Edsel Ford High School in 1996. From 1997 to 2001, it was held at Orchestra Hall in Detroit. The concert moved to its current home at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in 2002. This year marks its 20th year in this location.

The HFC Music department has continued the tradition of presenting this special evening, which celebrates HFC’s vibrant music program. HFC’s music directors bring together the College’s many choral and instrumental ensembles for a varied and exciting performance.

A bittersweet symphony

This year’s Collage Concert will have some bittersweet elements.

It marks the first time without Rick Goward, who founded the Collage Concert with fellow music maestro G. Kevin Dewey. Goward passed away on Jan. 29. He left an indelible stamp on HFC’s Music department and earned international recognition. He also founded many of the College’s music ensembles, including the Big Band.

“This year’s Collage Concert will be dedicated to Rick,” said Dewey. “He had a profound influence on numerous lives. So many musicians he inspired and touched in many ways are looking forward to paying tribute to him. They are his legacy.”

Added HFC Interim Band Director Anthony Lai: "I will continue to feel the loss of my friend and mentor Rick Goward, while celebrating his legacy with a particularly talented cohort of students. It is an honor to direct the band he so proudly led for years."

President Kavalhuna also shared his anticipation of the event. “I have enjoyed listening to the talented musicians perform at the President’s Collage Concert,” said Kavalhuna. “HFC’s music program is excellent, and it is on display at this event.”

More than 150 performers

More than 150 performers will participate in this year’s show. Dewey and Lai will conduct the following HFC musical ensembles that will perform at this year’s Collage Concert, including:

  • Blue Fusion Vocal Jazz Ensemble
  • HFC Chorus
  • Metropolitan Symphony Band
  • Renaissance Voices
  • Studio 110
  • Vanguard Voices

"There is one aspect of this year's Collage Concert that will be new and exciting," said Dewey. "For the first time, the students of our ensembles and of our Recording Arts Program are collaborating on a project called ‘Studio 2 Stage.’ Recording sessions have been scheduled throughout the semester for our performing students to record in the HFC Recording Studios, engineered by HFC recording arts staff and student cohort. The album, which will feature music heard at the Collage Concert, will be released later this spring to the public via CD and digital download! Faculty members Bryan Beeler, Jeremy Palmer, and Nancy Scott have been instrumental in making this dream a reality.”

Tickets are $15 each and may be purchased at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center box office Thursdays and Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and two hours before performances through intermission. Tickets are also available online at For questions or further information about ticket sales, call 313-943-2354.