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Virtual Winter 2021 Welcome Back Days January 27-28

Release Date
Event Date
Virtual - Zoom
Welcome Back Days graphic

The HFC Office of Student Activities (OSA) is hosting its Winter 2021 Virtual Welcome Back Days as the Winter 2021 Semester gets underway.

All students are encouraged to get involved in activities and enhance your Henry Ford College experience. All activities are online using the Zoom app and can be viewed on any laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

Our Welcome Back event is a wonderful start to your involvement!

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, Jan. 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
HFC Student Club Fair
* Meet student leaders and learn about HFC student clubs.

Wednesday, Jan. 27, from 3-4:00 p.m.
Kahoot Trivia Game
* Come join the fun with three rounds of pop culture and prizes.
* You must register in order to participate.

Thursday, Jan. 28, from noon to 3:00 p.m.
Virtual Caricature Drawings
* Using Pro Zoom Video services, we'll create a virtual event where attendees can join us and raise their hand "digitally" to let the artist know they would like their caricature drawn.
* Artists will draw the students individually and will upload the digital caricatures to a site where each student can download their drawing for print or social media.

Thursday, Jan. 28, beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Escape Room – “Follow Me: The Engagement”
* Groups must race against the clock to solve a mystery. Find clues, look for anything suspicious, and pay attention to every details.
* For a complete description, you will need to read the Game Memo, use the QR code, and review the Zoom instructions (SEE IMAGES BELOW). * This link will take you directly to the game and should be accessed 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the game.

For more information about Welcome Back Days, contact

For information on upcoming events, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram @hfcstudentactivities or email to be added to our mailing list.