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Recording available: Social Justice and Equity in Education conference

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The joint CTEI and PIC committee hosted a conference for all HFC employees on February 26, 2021. The conference, titled “Social Justice and Equity in Education: A College’s Responsibility to Its Community in the Face of a Litany of Black Deaths,” featured Dr. D-L Stewart of Colorado State University as the keynote speaker.

The recording of this event is now available for viewing on the College's YouTube channel. It is 1 hour, 48 minutes long.

For reference while watching, a transcript of the event chat is below:

00:37:47 Holly Diamond: Good Afternoon HFC Community!
00:37:51 Shai Boyd: I am super excited to hear from our guest!!!!!
00:38:11 Charles P Jackson: Hello everyone
00:38:44 Keambra Pierson: Hello Everyone and welcome Dr. Stewart
00:38:54 Subhashini chandrasekar: that's really good , as the chat feature distracts the presenter
00:39:38 Sam Bazzi: I listened to Dr. Stewart before, he is impressive.
00:41:31 Tazeen Ayub: Yay, Pam!
00:43:16 Kalvin DaRonne Harvell: Black History Month videos are posted on the Black Male & QUEENS Focus Group site:
00:43:32 Pam Stewart: You're very kind, Chardin. We have to say something about YOU. Working with you is a pleasure.
00:43:41 Nancy Owen` Nelson: Awesome. Thanks, Dr. Harvell
00:44:26 Pam Stewart: Professional, thoughtful, kind, strong, collaborative....
00:44:41 Shanna Simpson-Singleton: Thanks, Chardin. Thanks for doing what I feel is literally everything :-)
00:44:56 Rhonda DeLong: Agreed, Pam! Chardin’s kindness and wisdom have helped me countless times.
00:45:10 Vinita Parekh: Thanks Chardin, for the kind words. It has been a pleasure working with all of you!!
00:45:28 Kalvin DaRonne Harvell: Chardin is the best. Your leadership is amazing. I appreciate you!
00:45:39 Tazeen Ayub: Thank you everyone in the PIC committee and thank YOU Chardin for your dedication and leadership!
00:47:22 Rhonda DeLong: Turning off the chat for now. It will come back after Dr. Stewart is finished speaking.

< break here for keynote presentation >

01:49:54 Rhonda DeLong: Here is the book author and title Dr. Stewart mentioned: Author: la paperson. Title: "A Third University is Possible."
01:50:38 Rhonda DeLong: Feel free to raise your hands if you have questions.
01:50:52 Rhonda DeLong: Or put questions in the chat.
01:57:56 mary flick: Should the college form a committee of employees and underrepresented students so we can work together to create change and help transform the college for the better? Or create a survey to ask students what do you feel would help you the most?
02:00:20 Bridget Smith-Botos: As an institution, we are tied both in name and history to Henry Ford, a known Anti-Semite and racist. (His influence laid the template for the segregation of our region.) ? What steps would you suggest the college take to acknowledge. and address this?
02:00:34 Micah Webner: Not a question, but as a software developer, I loved the “working together” slide for being similar to waterfall vs agile development. Waterfall attempts to do things perfectly from start to finish, while agile works through iteration, striving to make each stage better and more complete than the last. I think that ties in to what Dr. Stewart was saying about continually improving.
02:04:00 Michael Ohanesian: Shall we root out Washington and Jefferson because they were slave owners?
02:04:10 Micah Webner: Yes, you may use that in the future!
02:04:34 Elizabeth Preston: So in respect to the college's name, how would you manage that type of change if it potentially alienates a segment of the community.
02:06:16 Elizabeth Preston: So in a sense, you must take a stand?
02:07:37 Roxanne McDonald: So as stated we are all human and make mistakes; so how do you only acknowledge
02:08:46 Roxanne McDonald: acknowledge to negative impact of someone's legacy
02:09:51 Kierra Wilson: Thank you for you courageous work!
02:09:56 Beverly Walters: Thank You!
02:10:08 Elizabeth Preston: Thank you, Dr. Stewart!! Awesome presentation!
02:10:29 mary flick: Thank you, Dr. Stewart.
02:10:29 Delphine D. (She/her): Thank you Dr. Stewart. It is about people power.
02:10:32 Keambra Pierson: This was excellent! I have too many questions thoughts and concerns a lot to unpack.
02:10:33 Natalie Gonzales: Wonderful presentation! Thank you for educating us on such an important topic.
02:10:34 Joel Geffen: Thank you!
02:10:34 Eric Rader (he/him): Thank you!
02:10:34 Maureen Badalamente: Thank you!
02:10:37 Troy Gibson: Thank you.
02:10:39 Mary Kosmalski: Fantastic, inspiring presentation. Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:10:41 Sarah Soebbing: Thank you, Dr. Stewart!
02:10:45 Samer Atris: Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:10:45 Terrilyn hagen: Wow! Thank you!
02:10:46 Charles Irish: Thank you
02:10:46 Shai Boyd: Thank you.
02:10:47 Tazeen Ayub: Thank you so much Dr. Stewart. This is much appreciated
02:10:48 Stephanie Latzke: Wow!!! Thank you!
02:10:50 Anthony Perry: Thank you!
02:10:52 Pam Stewart: Thank you for this time AND the book recommendation
02:10:53 Deborah Zopf: Thank you, Dr. Stewart.
02:10:55 Patricia Little: Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:10:56 Angela Hathikhanavala: Amazing. Thank you.
02:10:57 Jennifer Markin: Thank you!!!! Appreciate the closed captioning, also
02:10:58 Rhonda Johnson: Amazing.
02:10:58 Paul Root: Thanks you!!!
02:10:59 Janice Gilliland: Thoughtful presentation.
02:11:00 Taryn Ross-Solomon: Awesome!!!! Thank you so much!
02:11:01 Roger Frank: Wow! Thank you!
02:11:03 Subhashini chandrasekar: Thank you for giving a wonderful insight
02:11:03 Christine Gardner: Thank you!
02:11:03 Sam Bazzi: Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:11:04 Sara Gonzalez: Thank you Dr.Stewart.
02:11:05 Charles P Jackson: Very cool
02:11:06 Ruth Schmitt: Thank you Dr. Stewart
02:11:08 Eileen Brennan: Thank you for giving us so much to think on and ACT on.
02:11:12 Patti Sekulidis: Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:11:13 Angela Kotsoyianis: Amazing! Thank you for your time!
02:11:16 Jolie Stepaniak: Thank you!
02:11:18 Karen Elsersy: Thank you
02:11:19 Larry Smyrski: Thank you.
02:11:21 Ashley Hodge: Powerful, thank you!
02:11:23 Kurt Anthony Krug: Thank you, Dr. Stewart. Engaging lecture.
02:11:24 karen richards: Thank you!
02:11:25 Narine Kchikian: Thank you!
02:11:26 Stephen Pedley: Thank you!
02:11:26 Linda Lance: Thank you for speaking to us
02:11:26 Milla Arnold-Stoudmire: Thank you!
02:11:27 Susan Shunkwiler: Thank you Dr. Stewart!!
02:11:30 Lorraine Paffenroth: Much appreciated.
02:11:32 Shaun Stevens: Thank you!
02:11:43 Nancy Owen Nelson: Appreciation!!!
02:11:45 Holly Diamond: Thank you so very much. I am so glad to have attended and look forward to future conversations.
02:11:49 Kathy Campbell: Thank you
02:11:52 Amy Barry: Thank you
02:11:54 Doris Toney: Thank you for guiding us in the discussion.
02:11:54 Eric Wilson: Thank you Dr. Stewart for your time, knowledge and willingness to share. I am feeling more empowered and hopeful for the future. Wonderful work.
02:11:58 Vinita Parekh: Thank you so much Dr. Stewart.We appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this topic and we have a lot to work on.
02:12:01 Wendie Lee-Jenkins: Thank you Dr. Stewart for your insights.
02:12:04 Barbara Eisterhold: Thought provoking presentation! Thank you!.
02:12:04 Patricia Flogaus: Thank you Dr. Stewart!
02:12:18 Cristina Amelia Bailey: Powerful and inspiring! Thank you
02:13:30 Tessa Betts: We all love Chardin :)
02:13:37 Doris Toney: Yes, Chardin, you are truly a leader...
02:13:48 Vinita Parekh: I agree, Tessa!
02:14:20 mary flick: You are an awesome leader Chardin:)
02:14:22 Deborah Zopf: Thank you, Chardin. We appreciate your leadership.
02:14:37 Keambra Pierson: Good job Chardin!
02:14:49 Delphine D. (She/her): I'm in agreement Tessa and Doris.
02:15:01 Shai Boyd: Thank you Chardin and team.
02:15:17 Wendie Lee-Jenkins: Thank you Chardin for your consistent leadership.
02:15:41 Kevin Dewey: Start workshopping new names…! : )
02:18:18 Tessa Betts: Dearborn Community College would be the obvious answer...
02:19:21 Robert Jameson: Strike out "Community" in the name.
02:19:42 Reco Spencer: "Unpacking our luggage that we have carried with us in our journey is not easy, because we have accumulated so much in our journey. But we must unpack and think of what we want to continue to carry and what we want to discard"-Reco
02:19:48 Tazeen Ayub: That was my first thought too, Tessa
02:20:55 Rhonda Johnson: Dearborn has a very negative view for many. Detroiters. When Mayor Hubbard put up a wall and dared any rioter in 1967 to cross. Also, it was years before Dearborn would allow Blacks to buy in the Dearborn area or even attend their parks.
02:22:05 Pam Stewart: Hubbard's statue was recently removed from city property and there is talk of renaming the Hubbard Ballroom and Hubbard Drive also in Dearborn.
02:22:06 Kevin Dewey: I would def put “Community” back into the name.
02:22:21 Ruth Schmitt: I am proud of “community"
02:23:19 Robert Jameson: Southeast Michigan Community College
02:23:25 LESLIE WINDLESS: the ballroom has already been renamed. It's the Lincoln ballroom now. Still working on the street though
02:23:42 Robert Jameson: Will make Kevin happy.
02:23:54 Kevin Dewey: So, Bob, you mean to expand the tax base outside of Dearborn?
02:24:14 Robert Jameson: Has a "catchy" name.
02:25:14 Kimberly Occhipinti: Here is a link that holds mapping of indigenous tribes local to "Dearborn" - the Potawatomi, Fox, Myaamia -
02:25:35 Holly Diamond: Thanks so much Chardin. You are always a great teammate and leader.
02:25:40 Eric Rader (he/him): Thank you, Chardin. This event was wonderful.
02:25:45 Nancy Owen Nelson: Thank you, Chardin, for all you do!!
02:25:48 Robert Jameson: Half of Dearborn used to be called "Springwells."
02:25:59 Roger Frank: Thank you Chardin!!
02:26:02 Pam Stewart: We won't allow it, Chardin!
02:26:08 LESLIE WINDLESS: Thank you for all you do Chardin!
02:26:11 Terrilyn hagen: Thank you, Chardin!
02:26:37 Taryn Ross-Solomon: Thank you Chardin!!
02:26:40 Beverly Walters: Thank you Chardin!
02:26:43 Natalie Gonzales: Thank you Chardin. Great conference.
02:26:44 Kierra Wilson: Thank you so much Chardin
02:26:46 Susan Shunkwiler: Thanks Chardin!!
02:26:53 Joel Geffen: Thank you, everyone.
02:26:54 Amy Barry: Thank you Chardin
02:26:54 Keambra Pierson: An advisory board and Dr Stewarts other suggestions should be considered.
02:26:57 Delphine D. (She/her): Thank you Chardin. Do we have access to the presentation?
02:26:59 Eileen Brennan: Thank you Chardin and PIC!
02:27:03 Doris Toney: Thank you PIC!
02:27:04 Troy Gibson: Thank you Chardin
02:27:04 Angela Hathikhanavala: Thanks so much. This was great.
02:27:05 Charles Irish: Thank you Chardin
02:27:08 Nancy Owen Nelson: Thanks to PIC committee
02:27:08 Maureen Badalamente: Thank you Chardin
02:27:10 Beth Michel: Thanks Chardin, I enjoyed the presentation.
02:27:11 Brenda Redinger: thank you.
02:27:12 Julie Arnold: Thank you
02:27:14 Ruth Schmitt: Thank you Chardin
02:27:15 David Maier: Thank you to all.