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HFC Strategic Planning Process

Release Date
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Dear Colleagues,

We want to give you an update about the College’s strategic planning process.

Last year, we decided to extend our existing strategic plan through 2021. We did this because the pandemic made it very difficult to effectively bring people together for strategic planning. And, we were continuing to work through the instructional, logistical, and social challenges of the pandemic.

We now have an opportunity to set a new strategic direction for the College. The College and our environment have changed. We face new challenges and, more importantly, new opportunities in the near future. We need to have a tightly focused strategic plan that aims to move the College in a direction that will serve our students and meet the changing needs of our community and our region.

We have appointed a Strategic Planning Team to lead this effort. This team will work through the rest of 2021 to formulate a new plan. It will include voices from across the campus, and it will allow for you to give input.

We are excited to work together as co-chairs of this team. The other members of this team include:


  • James Thorpe (or his designee)


  • Keven Metushi

Faculty, Administrators, and Staff:

  • Hala Al-Siyaghy – SSA, Assistant to the Associate Dean, HHS
  • Pamela Aue – AFO, Faculty, Health Sciences
  • Wanda Chukwu – AFT Local 1650, Faculty, Nursing
  • Chardin Claybourne – AFT Local 1650, Faculty, Learning Lab
  • Holly Diamond – Interim Vice President, Student Affairs
  • Eric Gackenbach – AFT Local 1650, Faculty, Hospitality Studies
  • Lori Gonko – Vice President, Strategy and Human Resources
  • Shai James-Boyd – Local 71, Assistant Director, Advancement and Alumni Relations
  • Stephanie Latzke – Local 71, Assistant Director, Financial Aid
  • Hassan Nameghi – AFT Local 1650, Faculty, Engineering
  • Michael Nealon – Vice President, Academic Affairs
  • Keambra Pierson – Local 71, Associate Dean, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development
  • Eric Rader – AFT Local 1650, Faculty, Political Science
  • Chade Saghir – AFO, Faculty, Mathematics
  • David Thomas – AFO, Faculty, Business Administration


  • Jennifer Markin will serve as project manager to keep the project on track.

These members were selected by the Board of Trustees, Faculty Senate, and Cabinet, with input from collective bargaining unit leaders.
As co-chairs, we will make regular reports to the entire College on this group’s work.

The team will meet twice a week. We are hopeful that meetings will begin the week of October 11. As the group’s work progresses, we will communicate ways for you to offer your input.

After sharing the plan to request input and suggestions, this team will eventually make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, who will evaluate and decide our College’s strategic plan. Student Success is one area the Board of Trustees has asked us to focus on. While some strategic planning processes lead to long-term plans with many points of focus, we believe that a tightly structured plan that addresses needed direction will serve us best. We will work to optimize the number of goals and objectives to determine what is truly strategic, measurable, and achievable.

We look forward to sharing progress on this work and inviting your input. Feel free to reach out to any member of the Strategic Planning Team to share your thoughts as the process gets underway.

Please refer to our public Strategic Plan website for our current Plan. This website will also include updates on our process toward a new Plan and methods for you to contribute. Some information might need to be provided internally, through login to the HFC portal or Microsoft Teams. We will include links to any internal resources on the Strategic Plan website.

Strategic Planning Team Co-Chairs:
Russ Kavalhuna, President
Tony Perry, Chair, Faculty Senate; Faculty, Political Science