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HFC is rolling out two-factor authentication for all employees

Release Date
An image of a two-factor authentication with a cellphone and a laptop.

Over the course of the next several months, HFC Information Technology Services (ITS) will roll out two-factor authentication (2FA) to all HFC employees. ITS, the HFC cabinet, and other key HFC personnel have been testing 2FA for several months.

The purpose of 2FA is protect HFC from hackers. This will protect your personal information from being compromised. This security measure is becoming the security standard for many organizations, including colleges and universities

What is two-factor authentication?

Two-factor authentication uses two methods to authenticate, or grant access, to login-based services. This means that if your password is stolen, hackers still will not be able to access your account, because they will not have access to the second "factor" of your login. The second factor uses a device such as a cell phone to prove that you are actually the person logging into your account.

More than anything, 2FA eliminates the security issues caused by password compromises. Whether they’re from phishing attacks, keyloggers, or any number of other compromises – even with the password – a person trying to access HFC web resources remotely will still need the registered smartphone to access the HFC service.

2FA will be standard for off-campus logins

Once enrolled for 2FA, HFC team members will be required to approve any logins to HFC-protected web-services (email, portal, HANK, etc.) from non-HFC networks. If you are not on campus and not connected to the virtual private network (VPN), you will need to use 2FA.

2FA enrollment requires installing the NetIQ Advanced Authentication application on your phone or mobile device, and accessing the HFC advanced authentication enrollment portal from your desktop browser or through a link directly on your mobile device. You must choose one of the two enrollment methods.

Update your cell phone number in the portal

Your cell/mobile number must be accurate and up-to-date in the HFC system; otherwise, you will not be able to access the enrollment portal or enroll your device.

You will need to verify your profile information in the employee portal prior to enrolling for 2FA. At the top of the portal, you will see your profile information. Select show profile information, then update profile information. If your mobile number is not listed, add it to the contact information.

Step-by-step 2FA sign-up instructions

Attached is a 2FA instructional document with screenshots that will guide you step-by-step through the enrollment process.

Once you have completed the instructions in the document and the test to make sure 2FA is working, please send a confirmation email to This is to notify ITS that all necessary steps have been completed and that you are signed up. You will be put into a group that requires 2FA from that point forward.

Once you are enrolled for 2FA, you can choose one of two login options:

  1. The first option is you can accept a notification sent to your phone.
  2. The second option is to enter a six-digit code regenerated on your phone every 30 seconds. (Many people are familiar with this process through their banks or other e-business sites they may use).

The document linked above outlines the steps needed to complete the enrollment of your smartphone for 2FA. At this point, 2FA is for employees only, not students.

When should I sign up?

You may sign up for 2FA at any time in the next three months. The goal is to have all HFC team members enrolled in 2FA by March 2022. For questions or further information about 2FA, contact