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HFC Local 1650 contributes $2,500 to ACCESS’ flood relief efforts

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A blue and black illustrated graphic of a person donating money with a heart in the background.

The HFC Federation of Teachers, Local 1650, has recently contributed $2,500 to ACCESS, a Dearborn-based non-profit organization created in 1971 to assist the Arab immigrant population adapt to life in the United States. The donation was to support ACCESS' recent flood relief efforts.

Since the severe flooding that directly impacted southeast Michigan in July, ACCESS has provided food and assisted housing victims in Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and in some parts of Detroit. The organization has also assisted in the clean-up efforts in flooded homes.

John McDonald, president of Local 1650, explained the connection between the Federation and community organizations such as ACCESS. “The Federation deeply appreciates our community’s unwavering support of HFC and its staff since the College’s founding in 1938, during the depths of the Great Depression. This support is an ongoing testament to the value our community places on education,” said McDonald. “The Federation also remains sensitive to the needs of its students that extend beyond providing an outstanding education.” Helping local residents overcome issues such as the recent flooding is part of this commitment to improving lives and creating better futures. Local 1650 is proud of the thousands of hours its members volunteer annually to a broad variety of community efforts.