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HFC launches Campus Tree Fund

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Trees have an important impact on climate change, pollution reduction, promoting biodiversity, reducing water runoff, and many other ecosystem functions. The HFC community affirms and believes in the importance of trees for this reason, as well as their intrinsic beauty – something that became apparent during 2019’s campus climate forum, when more than 400 people joined together to support climate action and education.

Linda Brandt and Zac Polzin of the HFC School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), who helped create Sustainable HFC (the College’s sustainability committee), saw the need and desire for more trees on campus. Sustainable HFC worked with HFC Facilities and the HFC Foundation to set up a Tree Fund. This fund establishes a process for the HFC community to donate to the College Foundation to have trees planted. It also establishes a process to make the planting happen efficiently, following environmental best practices.

2021 Tree Plantings

The 2020 Earth Day celebration, which included tree plantings, were unfortunately postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Sustainable HFC hopes that instead of one large planting, HFC will be able to have multiple tree plantings in 2021. This would ideally include a few volunteers, HFC facilities, and a representative donor. Education is a foundation of the College community, making the service-learning aspect of tree plantings that much more important. Details will depend on the health and safety protocols at the time of the planting.

“We had many exciting events and speakers planned for Earth Week 2020, including multiple tree plantings,” said Brandt. “The 2021 tree plantings might be different from our previous gatherings, but we will adapt to celebrate each planting however we need to. We want to make sure donations get in the ground one way or another, so our community and planet can start reaping the benefits!”

Many sources of support

Donations have already been gifted to the fund to purchase and plant five trees. This includes donations from each of the four campus unions: Local 1650, The Adjunct Faculty Organization (AFO), the HFC Support Staff Association (SSA), and the HFC Federation of Teachers, Local 71. “I am excited by the support that has already poured in before the fund really even got off the ground,” said Polzin. “Our College community never ceases to amaze when it comes together to support a common, worthwhile goal. We could not do this without the support of the College community, cabinet, HFC facilities, Sustainable HFC, and the HFC Foundation.”

Details and contact info regarding Donations and about the tree-planting process can be found on the College’s Sustainability page under the “Contribute to the HFC Tree Fund” tab.