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HFC alumni elected or reelected in Dearborn and Metro Detroit

Release Date
Election Day 2021 graphic

The 2021 Election Day was historic in the City of Dearborn, and in the greater Metro Detroit area.

What makes this Election Day even more historic is that many elected and re-elected officials have ties to the College.

Mayor of Dearborn

Abdullah Hammoud has been elected Mayor of the City of Dearborn. He is the city’s first Arab American mayor. While he is not an alumnus of HFC, the mayor-elect has been a staunch ally and supporter of the College. He is the recipient of the 2019 HFC Distinguished Service Award. He also appointed President Kavalhuna to his mayoral transition team.

Dearborn City Council

HFC alumnus Michael T. Sareini has been reelected to the Dearborn City Council and will serve as the new president.

HFC alumna Leslie Herrick has been reelected to the Dearborn City Council. This is the second term for Herrick, who graduated cum laude from HFC, earning her associate degree in liberal arts.

HFC alumnus Ken Paris has been elected to the Dearborn City Council.

Dearborn City Charter Commission

In August, Dearborn voters decided to seat a Dearborn City Charter Commission to review and suggest changes to the city’s charter. By rule, the question has to be asked of the residents every 10 years. The Dearborn City Charter was last amended and ratified in 2007.

HFC alumna/former member of the HFC Board of Trustees Sharon Dulmage has been elected to the Dearborn City Charter Commission.

HFC alumnus Jim O’Connor has been elected to the Dearborn City Charter Commission.

HFC alumnus Hussein Hachem has been elected to the Dearborn City Charter Commission.

HFC alumnus Timothy Shawn Harrison has been elected to the Dearborn City Charter Commission.

Retired HFC administrator/instructor L. Glenn O’Kray has been elected to the Dearborn City Charter Commission.

Dearborn Heights and beyond

HFC alumnus Tom Wencel has been reelected to the Dearborn Heights City Council.

HFC alumna Lynne M. Senia has been elected as the Dearborn Heights City Clerk.

HFC sociology instructor William Carrington has been elected to the Pontiac City Council.

In another historic first, HFC alumnus Amer Ghalib has been elected as Mayor of the City of Hamtramck. He is the city’s first Muslim mayor.

If you know of any other elected/reelected official who has ties to HFC, please contact

Disclaimer: Henry Ford College does not endorse candidates for political office. This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.