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Get to Know HFC: Donovan Shaffer

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Donovan Shaffer

According to HFC Computer Technician Donovan Shaffer, his current title goes hand-in-hand with his personal life: He has a great love of his job, a great love of the College, and a great love of his family.

“I love computers and most things about them. I have had a computer since I was 9. My grandfather gave me a Windows 95 desktop in 1999. I have always used computers to my favor since. I taught myself how to operate them, take them apart, and upgrade them,” said Shaffer.

“Dr. Daddy” -- an unexpected home delivery on a snowy day

A Detroit native, Shaffer lives in Belleville with his wife, Deanna, and their four children: Danielle, 10; Darielle, 8; Dilynn, 4; and Donovan II (a.k.a. Deuce), 2.

“Our kids are definitely full of energy, especially my now 2-year-old son, who’s the youngest,” said Shaffer.

In fact, Deuce couldn’t wait for Deanna to get to the hospital. He was born on Jan. 23, 2019 – a day that HFC had declared a snow day due to icy road conditions.

“My relief about having the day off was quickly interrupted when ‘Deuce’ decided it was time to make his arrival! As you can imagine, this was a very interesting moment in our lives,” said Shaffer, laughing.

Shaffer realized he would not be able to get Deanna to the hospital in time due to the road conditions, so he called 911. The 911 operator coached him through helping his wife deliver their son at home.

“A few people have heard me tell the story of how my son was so ready to come into the world that he couldn’t wait for us to get to the hospital. To my shock, he was born in the living room with help from ‘Dr. Daddy,’” recalled Shaffer.

The police arrived right after Deuce was born. They shoveled the snow and ice, clearing a path so Shaffer could take his wife and newborn son to the hospital. The police gave them an escort to the hospital, where later on both mother and son were given a clean bill of health.

“That was quite the morning,” he recalled, laughing. Shaffer remains grateful for the kindness and support from the police, who went the extra mile to make sure his family was safe and sound. And, of course, the 911 operator who helped him deliver Deuce.

A self-proclaimed technology geek

Shaffer has been at HFC since late 2016. For four years, he was an A/V Technician before taking on his current position in October 2020. He is usually seen working the camera at the Board of Trustees meetings every month.

“The A/V portion is also directly involved in my personal life,” he said. “Since I was 11, I have been DJ-ing [serving as a disc jockey]. Growing up, my father would DJ as a side job. So, naturally, he taught me and provided the resources to follow in his footsteps. As a DJ, I had to study and operate several pieces of audio, lighting, and video equipment. The thing about being a DJ is that you are often expected to have top-quality equipment, service, and troubleshooting skills. This made it easy for me to adapt and utilize different types of technologies.”

Shaffer continued: “Overall, I like to think of myself as technology geek. I am always checking up on and buying new tech. So much that my family hates when I go into Best Buy. I will literally walk up and down every single aisle, spending hours in the store. I believe that I currently have met the requirement for being a Best Buy Elite Plus member twice, and the year isn’t even over yet!”

“I get paid to do what I love”

A 2008 graduate of Oak Park High School, Shaffer – the eldest of three – earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti.

Shaffer is always finding ways to incorporate different technologies on the HFC campus. Whether it’s recommendations for upgrading equipment at the College or proposing more new ways of using current technology, he is always willing to participate in conversations around technology.

“As you can imagine, my job at HFC is not only a perfect fit for me, but I am a perfect fit for HFC,” said Shaffer. “Working at HFC is a pleasure. I usually receive excellent feedback from the people I interact with. Many of my colleagues have expressed how convenient it is to have me around, as I am very helpful.”

He continued: “As I mentioned, my job goes hand-in-hand with my personal life. I did not go to ‘A/V school’ or ‘computer school.’ These were simply my hobbies, which have turned into my career. In other words, I get paid to do what I love. Not many people get this opportunity, and I am forever grateful that HFC opened the door for me to experience this. My wife and kids have been and continue to be a huge motivation throughout the growth of my career. Although, I am sure they get tired of me coming home every day and bragging about how much I love my job. When I say I enjoy working at HFC, it is very legit!”

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