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Screening and safety requirements on HFC campuses

Release Date
Building E, main campus

Welcome to Fall semester at Henry Ford College, whether you are working and studying online or on campus. I look forward to a healthy and successful Fall semester for all of us, even though most of us will not be on campus.

We have made some minor changes to our on-campus safety screening requirements for Fall, and I want to share them with you.

The only employees and students who should come to our campuses this Fall are those who will take, teach, or support on-campus classes, and those who are working in on-campus roles approved by their supervisors. Employees must receive approval of their supervisors to be on campus. Faculty must either be scheduled to teach a class that day or receive approval by their associate dean or dean to be on campus.

All of us share the responsibility to help keep each other safe. For this reason, every student and employee or contractor on our campuses will be required to follow our safety procedures and regulations. Visitors will not be permitted on our campuses at this time.

Thank you for your cooperation with these important measures to keep our campus and community as safe as possible. We are all depending on each other to abide by these requirements because safety is a shared community responsibility. In addition to the information below, our Fall Student Resources website is here. Let us know if there are other ways we can support you.

Wishing you a safe and healthy semester.

President Russ Kavalhuna

Procedures for pre-screening and arriving on the HFC campuses

• Everyone will be asked to do 3 things each time you arrive on campus:

  1. Pre-screen yourself before you arrive, using our online screening forms. These links are on the HFC website. You must complete a screening form every day you come to campus.

After you submit the pre-screening form, you will receive an email indicating whether you passed. When you arrive on campus, you must show the “passed” confirmation email on your phone (or on a printed copy), verifying that day’s date.

If you have not yet filled out the pre-screening form for that day, you will be directed to pull over and fill out a form in your car. Please note, this process may delay your arrival at your class or work space.

  1. Have your temperature taken by a screener who will use a forehead infrared thermometer. There will be no physical contact between you and the screener. NOTE: This requirement now applies to everyone who will be on campus, including employees.

  2. Wear a face mask any time you are in a classroom, lab, shared work area, or any space where others are within six feet of you, including during the screening period.

• You will only be able to enter our main campus by car at the North entrance, and our East campus at the Rotunda Drive entrance (see maps below).

• When you enter campus, please leave reasonable space between your car and the car in front of you. Please remain in your car throughout the screening process.

• If you are arriving on campus by bus, bicycle, or on foot, you must proceed to the Campus Safety building (N on the main campus) or the screening tent (on the East campus) to receive clearance before entering campus.

• If you do not feel well or you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days, do not come to campus.

What to do if you do not pass the screening

Students: If the pre-screening confirmation email does not indicate that you have passed, if your temperature is elevated, or if you do not have a face mask, you will not be able to go to your classes. In this case, you will be instructed to leave campus. You should contact your instructor after you arrive home and explain what happened. The normal absence procedures for your classes will apply, at the discretion of your instructor.

If you receive a “not cleared” designation, you will be prevented from returning to the online form and resubmitting until you have spoken Munira Kassim ( You will automatically receive two separate emails. The first email will come from the HFC Health Screening email address and will indicate that you were not cleared. The second email will come from Munira Kassim with next steps and additional guidance.

Employees: If the pre-screening confirmation email does not indicate that you have passed, if your temperature is elevated, or if you do not have a face mask, you will not be able to go to your workspace. If you are able to work remotely and feel well enough to do so, your supervisor may authorize you to work remotely that day. If you are unwell or not able to work from home, you will need to count the day as a sick day and use your leave banks for that day. Please note that you may not self-designate to work remotely. Your supervisor must authorize you to work remotely if your work would normally take place on campus. Please contact HR immediately if you feel that the email that you were not cleared for work was an error. HR will discuss your particular concerns in a confidential manner.

If you receive a “not cleared” designation, you will be prevented from returning to the online form and resubmitting until you have spoken to HR. You will automatically receive two separate emails. The first email will come from the HFC Health Screening email address and will indicate that you were not cleared. The second email will come from Tiffany Webster with next steps and additional guidance.

Details about the requirement for face masks on campus

All persons on campus are required to wear a face mask that covers the mouth and nose. We ask you to provide your own face mask. If you are medically unable to wear a face mask, please contact the associate dean of your school (or HR, for employees) to make alternate arrangements. You will need to provide documentation of your medical condition.

If you do not wear a face mask, you will not be able to attend your on-campus classes or go to your workspace. Instructors are required to deny students admission to classrooms if the student is without a face mask or a verified medical exemption.

Arrival times and expectations on campus

You may wish to arrive early to complete the screening procedures to make it to your classes or work on time.

Screeners will be available to screen incoming students and employees between 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. each weekday.

Throughout your time on campus, you will be required to practice social distancing to the maximum extent possible.

We ask that you come to campus only for your classes or work, and then leave the campus after your classes or work conclude. At this time, there are no College spaces for gathering or non-class-related purposes.

The College is doing what it can to provide the best and safest environment for students and employees. We all must work to protect our College community members. We are here to help you, and we will do our best to answer your questions and provide a positive experience. Please follow the directions of all College officials while you are on campus. Together, we can maximize the safety of our community and provide a positive teaching, learning, and work environment.

Where to park on our campuses

Students: Where to park on campus

Main campus: You will be screened near lot 3 (see attached map). Lots 2 and 3 will not be available for student or employee parking. After completing screening, you may park in any of the lots 4 through 10. You will need to exit campus through the North entrance. The other campus entrances are currently closed.

East campus: Once you complete the screening, you may park in any open space near the Nursing or M-TEC buildings.

Employees: Where to park on campus

Main campus: Because student screening will be set up near lot 3 (see attached map), lots 2 and 3 will not be available for employee or student parking. You may park in staff lot 1 if you wish, but you will need to enter lot 1 through the North entrance, as the circle drive will be closed. We recommend you park in one of the other staff lots.

You will need to exit campus through the North entrance. The other campus entrances are currently closed.

East campus: Once you complete the screening, you may park in any open space near the Nursing or M-TEC buildings.

Questions about screening procedures?

Contact Munira Kassim,, 313-845-6301.