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The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission needs you!

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Yes, this is for you! If you are a Michigan citizen over 18 years of age, please consider applying to serve on the first-ever Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission by June 1.

Democracy is as vital to our nation as it ever was. The non-partisan redistricting commission is being formed. As of April 13, 2020, 82% of processed applications are from Michigan citizens ages 45 and older. Only 2% are from Michiganders between the ages of 18 to 24. We need young people to consider applying, so the commission can have a variety of ages.

The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission

In November 2018, Michigan voters supported a constitutional amendment that creates a commission of 13 randomly selected citizens – not elected politicians, consultants or lobbyists – on the first-ever Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. The goal is to ensure a talented applicant pool that mirrors the geographic and demographic makeup of the state. These Commissioners are responsible for drawing fair and representative district lines for the Michigan Senate, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the U.S. Congress.

The Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) and the Secretary of State recognize the importance of having youth serving on this Commission. The deadline to apply is Monday, June 1, 2020.

The CEEP is a national nonpartisan project that helps administrators, faculty, staff, and student leaders at America’s colleges and universities engage students in federal, state, and local elections. It works with stakeholders throughout more than 400 partner campuses to engage students in democracy.

No requirements or experience needed to serve on the Commission

All eligible Michigan citizens – especially college students between the ages of 18 and 24 – are encouraged to apply to serve on the Commission, which does not require any special skills or expertise. The state constitution requires that each commissioner perform his or her duties with impartiality and with integrity.

Commissioners will gain the following from serving:

  • Develop a creative and innovative research-based method to analyze the distribution of 10 million Michigan citizens and draw representative lines in accordance with said research.
  • Gain direct experience in civic engagement, public representation, and working on a statewide team. You will interact with citizens and public officials from across the state.
  • Develop leadership skills in a real-world setting – which will benefit communities for 10 years.
  • Ensure that Michigan citizens are represented fairly, impartially, and transparently in the next set of election district maps.
  • Serve on a constitutionally designed board that works directly with the state executives of the 8th most populous state in the country, assisting in the management of a budget of millions of dollars.
  • Represent your peers and your community. College students, particularly young voters, should be represented on the Commission.

Represent the interests of higher education in Michigan

There are 7.7 million registered voters in the state of Michigan, and nearly 500,000 college students – or about 1 out of every 15 voters -- potentially represent the interests and needs of Michigan higher education.

Commissioners will be compensated about $40,000 for their service. Commissioners will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible applicants in the summer of 2020 and will gather input from the public, as well as census data to determine electoral district maps that will take effect for the 2022 elections.

The application is online and free. It takes about 15 minutes to complete.