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January/February HR update: new hires, classifications, resignations, retirement

Release Date
HR update graphic

The following staff changes were approved by the HFC Board of Trustees at its January and February 2020 meetings.

New Hires: Welcome to HFC!

Kim Perlongo, Accountant, Financial Services, replacing Tim Seguin

Huda Mawri, Lab Associate ll (Part-Time), Learning Lab, 10 months, replacing Gina Goldfaden

Change in Classification

Eve Chowdhury, Institutional Research Business Intelligence Systems Analyst, replacing Rick Michalski (promoted)

Mary Thill, from Records Associate III, Registration and Records, to Enrollment Associate III Enrollment Services replacing Kierra Wilson

Tamika Hister, from Enrollment Associate lI, Enrollment Services to Enrollment Associate III, Enrollment Services replacing Nickie Hampsher

Abby Tebeau, from Library Associate I (Part-Time), Library and Academic Services, to Library Associate II (Full-Time), Library and Academic Services replacing Nicole Wandolowski

Sulian Larmond, from Enrollment Associate III, Enrollment Services, to International Admissions Associate III, Admissions and Recruiting replacing Wafaa Aburahma


Rebecca Michalski, Special Projects Generalist, Office of Human Resources

Daniel Wilson, Facilities Associate, Facility Services


Thomas Leighton, Coordinator, Facility Services

Look for all HR-related news and information at the Human Resources website.