HFC pilots new paper and plastic recycling program

HFC students talk about the new recycling program, displaying the bins and signage.

Beginning in the Winter 2020 Semester, the HFC community will have access to a limited number of paper and plastic recycling bins – or recycling stations – on the main campus.

This pilot program is being coordinated by HFC Facilities Services, which is partnering with Sustainable HFC, the HFC Student Environmental Association (SEA), and Green for Life in Royal Oak, as part of the College’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

This pilot program will ensure long-term success by working out any operational issues before expanding the recycling program to other areas on both campuses.

Success is dependent on every person in the HFC community conscientiously and knowledgeably recycling.

A concerted collaboration

“The amount of work and coordination that went into this project is remarkable,” said Reuben Brukley, HFC director of Facilities Services. “This project required the combined efforts of Sustainable HFC, SEA, Facilities Services, Purchasing, Marketing and Graphics, Student Services, Food Services, and a number of individual HFC employees. We have a good template in place that we can tighten up and expand.”

The pilot program will be headquartered in the Student & Culinary Arts Center (Bldg. M). Bins will be in the Skylight Café and Pavilion areas. The recycle stations will be divided into the following categories, with signage designating what is accepted and not accepted:

• Paper - any kind of paper is accepted
• Plastic - any kind of plastic that has a recycling logo/number on it
• Landfill (trash) - anything that does not belong in the above two categories

Prevent contamination: When in doubt, throw it out!”

Food waste and non-recyclable materials must go in a landfill bin or regular trash bin. Food waste and non-recyclable materials will contaminate entire bins of plastic or paper recyclable materials, which will then have to be thrown away. Bin signage is provided. If you are unsure, remember that it is better to throw something away than to contaminate the entire bin!

“That cannot be reiterated enough,” said Brukley. “If materials are not put in their proper place, it defeats the entire purpose of the recycling program.”

Confidential documents should be placed in one of 41 Shred-It bins throughout the main campus and East campus. Non-confidential documents should be placed in one of the paper bins.

Recycling other materials

HFC is committed to making sure the on-campus program is environmentally responsible, and will continue to work with the GFL to ensure that materials are properly processed.

For recyclable items the College is not able to recycle with GFL (such as aluminum and glassware), we encourage you to consider taking those items home and placing them in your curbside recycling bin. If you do not have access to curbside recycling or do not wish to take your items home, the items will need to go in a landfill bin or regular trash bin.

According to Brukley, the reason GFL cannot take aluminum, glass, and other materials commonly recycled for residential customers is that commercial recycled waste is collected differently than residential waste. It is sent to different facilities not equipped for such materials.

Beyond paper and plastic, HFC has been actively engaged in various recycling and environmental efforts for more than 20 years. For information on HFC’s recycling and other environmental programs, visit HFC’s sustainability website.

Cost of the recycling program

The ongoing cost of the recycling program is $13 per pickup, noted Brukley. The bins for recycling cost approximately $80 each. Informational posters accompanying the bins were produced by the HFC Graphics Center. The cost of each recyclable pickup is approximately the same as a trash pickup ($10-$13 each).

For questions about the recycling program, contact Brukley at 313-317-6573 or rjbrukley@hfcc.edu.

Learn about recycling at HFC by watching our 2-minute video!