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HFC introduces Early Alert to help students succeed

Release Date
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To support student success, HFC has implemented a system called Early Alert that instructors can use to alert the College to potential issues students are facing, so we can intervene early and effectively. Early Alert gives you the ability to easily submit an online referral for a students in your classes. This will trigger supportive, customized outreach to the student.

How it works

Here’s how Early Alert works:

  1. You login to the Early Alert Referral Form, enter some basic information about the student who needs help, as well as the issues they are facing. This can be done in a few moments.

  2. The College chooses an intervention strategy that addresses the concern(s) you identify.

  3. An automated, personalized email message is sent to the student to let them know that you, their faculty member, care about their academic and personal success, and that you recommend they take advantage of specific campus services and resources to support them. The message describes the recommended services that would be of most use to them and connects them to the office(s) that can help them.

  4. Simultaneously, messages are generated and sent to the service area(s) that were identified as the best places to help the student. Some of these areas will reach out to the student using a variety of communication media.

Services available to assist students

The services to which students are referred are listed below.

Academic support services that will reach out to students to invite them for assistance:
• Academic Advising
• Learning Lab/Tutoring

Resources to which students will be referred, with a recommendation that they reach out for assistance:
Assisted Learning Services
Campus Safety
Career Services
College Store
Hawks’ Nest
Eshleman Library
Public Speaking Lab
Student Activities
Student Outreach and Support
Veterans Services
Writing Center

For questions or more information, contact HFC Early Alert Manager Kathryn Tucker at