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Election workers needed for 2020 elections

Release Date
Democracy MVP graphic

How will elections work in the year of COVID-19?

The majority of voters are expected to vote via mail-in or "absentee ballot" for the primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 4 and the presidential election on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Election workers are still needed to ensure that our democratic process of ensuring a fair and open election occurs. Election workers do the heavy lifting for our elections.

“Being an election worker is an important public service,” said HFC political science professor Dr. Anthony Perry. “Election workers are needed for the absentee vote process, and to staff the polls on election day.”

Traditionally, many election workers have been senior citizens. Many of these workers will not be working the polls this year, and that leaves a void. It is important that other step up to become poll workers for the primary and presidential elections.

Any registered voter is eligible to serve as an election worker. Election workers are paid positions, and election workers are trained on proper protocols.

MVPs of our democracy

Election workers are, in a sense, the MVPs of our democracy. They ensure our democracy works by making certain that fair and free elections are held. They are needed to assist clerks and count ballots. They will serve at polling places, and will adhere to strict public health guidelines, including social distancing, using sanitary equipment, and maintaining strong hygiene to protect themselves and others from coronavirus transmission.

The effort to recruit election workers for the August and November elections has been successful so far, but more are needed. Nearly 2,100 people from 75 of Michigan’s 83 counties have already signed up to become election workers.

Election workers are the MVPs in our democracy, and we can’t have successful elections without them,” said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “The number of people we’ve already seen apply to serve is inspiring and reinforces how committed the people of Michigan are to ensuring we have safe, secure, and accessible elections, even in the midst of a pandemic.”

Sign up today

If you are a registered voter in Michigan who wants to do more in this critical moment, learn more, and sign up here. If you are not yet registered to vote but would like to get involved, you can register to vote online and then sign up to serve as an election worker. You will be paid for your time on Election Day, and you will be a crucial part of the team helping to protect and defend Michigan’s elections.

Henry Ford College employees may take Election Day as a vacation day, which will allow you to be an election worker that day.

Organizations, teams, businesses, and community leaders looking to participate in this recruitment effort and help spread the word should email to connect with the Department of State or follow the campaign on social media @DemocracyMVP on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Our democracy needs all of our best efforts. Consider becoming an election worker, and don't forget to vote! Request your mail-in ballot today if you prefer to vote by mail.