Dual-enrollment grad aspires to career in journalism

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HFC alumna Kyla Bazzy was in the first class of the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy. Currently, she's the editor-in-chief of The Michigan Journal, the University of Michigan-Dearborn's student-run newspaper.

HFC alumna Kyla Bazzy was in the first class of the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy, a dual enrollment program between HFC and the Dearborn Public Schools.

“The main incentive was the financial aspect: The Academy paid for my books and classes. Then there was the possibility of getting a free associate degree from HFC,” said Bazzy, a lifelong Dearborn resident.

She confessed that she wasn’t thinking about dual enrollment when it was offered based on her ACT score. Bazzy graduated from Dearborn High School in 2015. She earned her associate degree in liberal arts from HFC in 2018.

Journalism is her true calling

Initially, Bazzy majored in nursing at HFC, but realized it wasn’t the right fit for her. She also studied business and digital marketing. It wasn’t until she transferred to the University of Michigan-Dearborn in the fall of 2018, when she took various journalism and communications classes, that she realized her true calling. In fact, The Arab-American News profiled her last month.

“I switched my major to journalism and have been on that track ever since. I always did well with reading and writing, but not so much with math and science. I’ve always kept a journal. In elementary school, the creative writing classes were my favorite part of the day,” she said. “My dad switched careers suddenly one day. He went from working at DTE Energy to starting his own business. I knew that if he could follow his dream, I could too.”

Becoming editor-in-chief of The Michigan Journal

Bazzy will graduate this spring from UM-Dearborn, earning her bachelor’s degree in journalism and a certificate in writing. Currently, she is the editor-in-chief of the UM-Dearborn’s student-run newspaper, The Michigan Journal. In this position, she is responsible for about 30 writers and editors, runs the newspaper’s website and social media accounts, handles the finances, distributes press passes, and designs the front page, among other duties.

Though it’s often stressful, Bazzy enjoys it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I love it. It’s everything I though it would be – and it’s also so much more,” said Bazzy, laughing. “I love seeing my name in print and seeing my writing improve. I’m also getting plenty of leadership experience, learning to run a staff on my own. This is an invaluable experience that I never got through internships, and I’m really grateful for it.”

Bazzy joined the Journal staff her second semester at UM-Dearborn. She was an arts/entertainment writer, covering local bands and artists.

“I decided to jump in with both feet,” she recalled.

Jumping in with both feet

Bazzy became the arts/entertainment editor in the Fall 2019 Semester. She became the editor-in-chief at the end of 2019. Bazzy also freelances for the Dearborn Press & Guide. Previous internship experiences include the marketing/public relations office of Garden City Hospital and at ColorBlind Magazine.

Her goal is to pursue a career in sports broadcasting or public relations upon graduation. Bazzy encourages her fellow students who are interested in pursuing journalism to start working now and get as much experience as possible.

“Experience is the key in journalism,” said Bazzy. “You can have a 4.0 GPA and still not get a job because you have no real-world experience. Don’t be afraid of not knowing what you want to do with your life. It took me two changes of my major to figure it out. Don’t force yourself into a career you don’t enjoy, especially since you’ll probably be working for the next 30-40 years of your life.”